What undergraduate courses are offered at U of M?
The College of Engineering requires students to have breadth outside engineering, mathematics, and the sciences. As a result, students take courses in different schools and colleges across campus. The best place to find information about courses is on the school or college’s individual website. For the list of Mechanical Engineering courses, visit the ME Course List. For a list of courses in the College of Literature, Science and Arts, visit the LSA Course Guide. To find information for other schools and colleges, please visit their respective website.
Mobile Application for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Students on the Ann Arbor campus now can view their class schedules for the current term or browse for classes in current and upcoming terms on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Those features are part of the new Student Academics app available on the iTunes App Store. Personal class schedule information is protected via the Single Sign-On app – also available on iTunes – that allows students to authenticate to view their information.
When can I register for classes?
The Office of the Registrar maintains deadlines and resources relevant to course enrollment. For incoming students, registration typically opens the week before the start of classes. Current students will have the opportunity to register for the upcoming term during the last month of the semester. You should be particularly mindful of deadlines for dropping and adding classes, withdrawing from classes, and for payment of fees. Typically the drop/add deadline will be three weeks after the first day of class.
How do I register for classes?
Students at the University of Michigan register for classes using Wolverine Access. Before the start of registration, the Registrar’s Office will release the course offerings for the term. These courses will then appear in Wolverine Access. At this point, students are able to start “Backpacking.”
“Backpacking” is a common term at the University of Michigan. Backpacking is similar to a shopping cart for online buying. You have the ability to store all of the classes you might be interested in taking during the term. Then after further deliberation, you can register for your courses.
For information on how to register for courses, visit the College of Engineering’s Class Registration webpage.
Permission to Enroll/Electronic Overrides
Students do not need to be declared to register for 200 level ME courses. Overrides to ME courses may be requested when a class is full due to special circumstances. An electronic permission/override is required to register for any class that is full or has a wait list. If Wolverine Access denies your request to register because an electronic permission/override is needed, an error message will appear that says an instructor or departmental permission is required. If this occurs for an ME class, students who would like an override should email [email protected] with their name, UM ID number, desired lecture/lab/discussion (as applicable), and a brief explanation of why the override is being requested. The advising team has access to your schedule, so please be accurate and detailed in your request.
For all other classes, contact the school or college that is offering the class for permission to register. The ME ASO can only give electronic permission/override to register for Mechanical Engineering courses.
- ME can only provide overrides for ME classes. Please contact the department that offers the course and ask them about their override policies.
- Please note that an override is not automatic. While we do our best to accommodate your request, it is important to understand that overrides are reserved for those students with a valid time conflict that may delay their graduation or other special situations.
- Due to the demand, we unfortunately cannot provide course overrides due to personal preferences. Please understand that it does take time to process an override as the advisors will first seek to find alternative schedules for each student to ensure timely graduation and resolve other issues with placing a student in the class, such as the fire code limitations of how many students can safely be allowed to be within each classroom.
- Please note that it may be necessary to wait until the first week of classes (which should be attended) for seats to potentially open in a class due to other students dropping the course. Each department has its own procedures for granting overrides/permissions, but ME students are welcome in most courses throughout the University.
- You will receive an email from the ME ASO letting you know if your override request has been approved. If it is not approved, we will try to provide helpful suggestions for alternative schedules to meet your graduation needs.
- Reminder: Requesting a permission/override to enroll does not complete the registration process for classes. Once an electronic override notification email has been received, it is still necessary to register for the class via Wolverine Access before the override expires in three days.
Visiting/Auditing a Class
“Visiting” is the official University term for taking a class for no grade and no credit toward your degree. This is also commonly referred to as “auditing” a course.
According to the College of Engineering Bulletin:
With permission of the advisor and course instructor, a student may enroll in a course as a visitor. In such a case, the course will be entered on the permanent record with a “VI” instead of a letter grade. The same fee will be charged whether the student enrolls for credit or as a visitor. A course elected as “VI” does not count toward a student’s full time status. A change in elections from credit to visit must be made during the first three weeks of a term. Signed petitions are required after this point. Required courses may not be elected as a visit.
- If you plan on visiting a class, please stop by the ME Academic Services Office to pick up an Add/Drop/Modify form to take to your instructor. To visit a class, you must receive permission from the course instructor and negotiate with your responsibilities as a student with the instructor. This typically involves regular attendance in lecture and optional homework/exams. The amount of time and effort you put into the class is then up to you.
- Once the instructor has signed the Add/Drop/Modify form, bring it to the ASO for a staff member to review and sign. You will then take the completed form to the Registrar’s Office.
- Courses required for your curriculum may NOT be elected as “Visit”.
Keep in mind that the class will be on your transcript with “VI” instead of a grade, but will not be counted toward your degree requirements. In addition, a class that is visited must be paid for just like any other class. This means that if you visit a summer class, or if visiting a class takes you over 18 credits for a term, you will pay extra for it.
Withdrawing from a Term
Please review the information available in the College Bulletin. Important deadlines for withdrawals may be found at the Registrar’s Office Academic Calendar, under Student Registration Deadlines.
Grading Policies
The College of Engineering outlines the standard for student conduct in the Honor Code. Please visit the CoE Academic Rules, Rights, and Responsibilities page for a complete description.
Pass/Fail Rules
Students have the option to take some courses as Pass/Fail (P/F).
- Elective courses in Humanities/Social Sciences/Intellectual Breadth, or courses to be used as General Electives can be taken P/F.
- The CoE Core Requirements and ME Core Courses cannot be taken P/F.
- A maximum of 14 credit hours can be taken P/F toward degree requirements. Courses elected that exceed the maximum 14 credit hours will not be counted toward degree requirements.
- Courses taken P/F do not affect a student’s GPA because they do not generate honor points, thus cannot be calculated.
- P/F course elections are limited to 2 courses per full term for full-time students (12+ credits) and 1 course for part-time students (1-11 credits) in the Fall and Winter terms; or 1 course in a half-term (Spring or Summer).
- Course elections exceeding the full/half-term limit will be reverted to the grade earned. Course/credit limits will be calculated in academic term order of election. Any course that is offered on a P/F basis will not be counted in the above totals.
- To be eligible for the Dean’s Honor List, a minimum of 12 credit hours (6 for a half term) must be elected for letter grades, with a grade point average of 3.5 or better.
The instructor of the course does not know a student has elected the course as P/F. The instructor issues grades to students as normal, “A+” through “E”. After receiving the grades, the Registrar’s Office translates grades as the following:
- “A+” through “C-” = Pass (P)
- “D+” through “E” = Fail (F)
Students must decide before the “Drop/Add” deadline (i.e. within the first nine weeks of the semester, or within the first four and a half weeks of a half term) whether they will take a class P/F or for a grade. No change in election can be made after this time. You may reverse P/F back to a letter grade within the deadline period.
At the beginning of each semester, there is a drop/add period during which students are allowed to register through Wolverine Access without penalty. Deadlines are set University-wide by the Office of the Registrar, please refer to their “Student Registration Deadlines” on the Academic calendar for specific dates. Changes after this deadline are only possible in certain exceptional situations (e.g., serious illness). To make a change to a schedule after the drop/add deadline, it is necessary to complete an Add/Drop request through Wolverine Access. If it is necessary to withdraw from a class after the drop/add deadline, the class will continue to appear on the transcript, with a grade of “W” (for withdraw). Mini-courses that run less than the length of the full semester have their own drop/add deadlines.
A brief review:
- During the first three weeks of a full term (or two weeks of a half term), Wolverine Access registration remains open, and you can add or drop classes/sections. Your transcript will not record this activity.
- Between three and nine weeks into a full term (or up to the fourth week of a half term), you need to have an online Add/Drop request approved by the professor of the class and by an ASO staff member. A “W” will be recorded on your transcript indicating that you dropped the class, and your tuition may not be adjusted.
- After nine weeks into the term (after the fourth week of the half term), only under extenuating circumstances (e.g., severe health problems, prolonged illness, death in the family, jury duty) may changes to your schedule be considered. Students will need to petition the Scholastic Standing Committee (SSC) 230 Chrysler Center. Documentation will need to be submitted via the SSC’s online petition.
Before deciding to drop a class, do the following:
- Talk to the Instructor. Students sometimes want to drop a class because they have done poorly on the first exam in the course. If you have performed badly on an exam, DISCUSS THIS AS SOON AS YOU CAN. The conversation will give you an idea of where you stand and the amount of work you need to do to catch up to a satisfactory level.
- Talk to an Advisor. We want to help you. Dropping the class could (and usually does) have an effect on the sequencing of your long-term course schedule. Your graduation date may also be affected. We’re here to discuss these important decisions with you.
- Talk to Financial Aid. If you have University financial aid, dropping the course may affect your ability to receive that financial aid in the years to come. If you are funded by outside sources (MET, international grants, private scholarships, etc.), they should be contacted as well because that funding may be affected by a change in your schedule.
- Talk to your Parents. Coverage as a dependent on health, dental, or auto insurance may be affected, should you drop below full-time status (full-time status is 12 credits).
Scholastic Standing
A student’s grade point average (GPA) at the University of Michigan is determined by the grades earned at the University of Michigan. A student’s scholastic standing is determined by the number of credit hours taken and the grades attained in those courses. Please visit the College of Engineering’s Scholastic Standing website for official rules and regulations.
Repeating a Course
If you repeat a course that you have already passed, the course and grade will appear on the transcript, but no additional credit will be earned. If you received a C or higher in a MECHENG course and wish to repeat the course, you must submit a department petition and please know that your second grade will not be factored in to your grade point average. A student repeating a course to fulfill the degree requirements will have both grades used in computing the grade point average on the transcript. Please refer to the College of Engineering Bulletin for further information on Repeating Courses.
Students cannot attempt an ME course more than two times without permission of the ME Undergraduate Chair, beginning Fall 2017. An attempt includes, but is not limited to, a notation of any letter grade (“A-E”), withdraw (“W”), Pass/Fail (“P”/”F”), Transfer (“T”), or Incomplete (“I”) posted on student U-M transcript. If a student had taken a course twice (or more) prior to Fall 2017, their next attempt during or after the Fall 2017 term will count as the last allowed attempt at that course.
If a student has attempted a course twice and not met the required grade to continue, students may petition the department for further attempts. Use this petition link. Please choose “Exception to Policy” and make a brief and thorough rationale describing your request and why this exception should be made for you. If relevant, attach the course syllabus to your petition.
Advanced Math List
Dept | Course # | Course Name | Credit Hours | Level of Class |
Aerospace Engineering | AEROSP 510 | Finite Elements in Mechanical and Structural Analysis I | 3 | Graduate |
Chemical Engineering | CHE 554 | Computational Methods in MS&E and CHE | 3 | Graduate |
Economics | ECON 451 | Intermediate Intro to Statistics & Econometrics I | 4 | Graduate |
Economics | ECON 452 | Intermediate Intro to Statistics & Econometrics II | 4 | Graduate |
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | EECS 301 | Probabilistic Methods in Engineering | 4 | Senior |
Engineering | ENGR 371 | Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists | 3 | Junior |
Industrial and Operations Engineering | IOE 366 | Linear Statistical Models | 3 | Junior |
Industrial and Operations Engineering | IOE 510 | Linear Programming I | 3 | Graduate |
Industrial and Operations Engineering | IOE 515 | Stochastic Processes | 3 | Graduate |
Industrial and Operations Engineering | IOE 516 | Stochastic Processes II | 3 | Graduate |
Mathematics | MATH 354 | Fourier Analysis and its Applications | 3 | Junior |
Mathematics | MATH 371 | Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists | 3 | Junior |
Mathematics | MATH 404 | Intermediate Differential Equations and Dynamics | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 412 | Introduction to Modern Algebra | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 416 | Theory of Algorithms | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 417 | Matrix Algebra I | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 419 | Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 420 | Advanced Linear Algebra | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 422 | Risk Management and Insurance | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 423 | Mathematics of Finance | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 425 | Intro to Probability | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 433 | Introduction to Differential Geometry | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 437 | Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 450 | Advanced Mathematics for Engineers I | 4 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 451 | Advanced Calculus I | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 452 | Advanced Calculus II | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 454 | Boundary Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 462 | Mathematical Models | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 463 | Mathematical Modeling in Biology | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 465 | Introduction to Combinatorics | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 471 | Introduction to Numerical Methods | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 472 | Numerical Methods with Financial Applications | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 475 | Elementary Number Theory | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 476 | Computational Laboratory in Number Theory | 1 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 481 | Introduction to Mathematical Logic | 3 | Senior |
Mathematics | MATH 490 | Introduction to Topology | 3 | Senior |
Mechanical Engineering | MECHENG 400 | Mechanical Engineering Analysis | 3 | Senior |
Physics | Physics 452 | Methods of Theoretical Physics II | 3 | Senior |
Statistics | STATS 400 | Applied Statistical Methods | 4 | Senior |
Statistics | STATS 401 | Applied Statistical Methods II | 4 | Senior |
Statistics | STATS 406 | Computational Methods in Statistics and Data Science | 3 | Senior |
Statistics | STATS 412 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 3 | Senior |
Statistics | STATS 415 | Data Mining and Statistical Learning | 4 | Senior |
Statistics | STATS 425 | Introduction to Probability | 3 | Senior |
Statistics | STATS 426 | Introduction to Theoretical Statistics | 3 | Senior |
Statistics | STATS 430 | Applied Probability | 3 | Senior |
Statistics | STATS 500 | Statistical Learning I: Regression. | 3 | Graduate |
Statistics | STATS 501 | Applied Statistics II | 3 | Graduate |
Statistics | STATS 503 | Statistical Learning II: Multivariate Analysis | 3 | Graduate |
Statistics | STATS 510 | Mathematical Statistics | 3 | Graduate |
Statistics | STATS 511 | Statistical Inference | 3 | Graduate |
Statistics | STATS 520 | Mathematical Methods in Statistics | 3 | Graduate |
Statistics | STATS 525 | Probability Theory | 3 | Graduate |
Statistics | STATS 526 | Discrete State Stochastic Processes | 3 | Graduate |
Statistics | STATS 550 | Bayesian Decision Analysis | 3 | Graduate |
Statistics | STATS 560 | Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics | 3 | Graduate |
Technology and Operations | TO 501 | Applied Business Statistics | 3 | Graduate |
Technology and Operations | TO 502 | Applied Business Statistics | 2.25 | Graduate |
Technology and Operations | TO 518 | Linear Programming I | 3 | Graduate |
Technology and Operations | TO 566 | Applied Regression and Data Analysis | 1.5 | Graduate |
Technology and Operations | TO 567 | Data Mining and Applied Multivariate Analysis | 1.5 | Graduate |
Economics/Financials List
*Please note that these marked classes marked with an asterisk do not count towards your Intellectual Breadth.
Dept | Course # | Course Name | Credit Hours | Level of Class |
Accounting | ACC 301 | Managerial Accounting | 3 | Junior |
Accounting | ACC 302 (formerly 300) | Financial Accounting | 3 | Junior |
Accounting | ACC 315 | Cost Accounting | 3 | Junior |
Accounting | ACC 317 | Federal Taxation and Managerial Decisions | 3 | Junior |
Accounting | ACC 471 | Accounting Principles | 3 | Senior |
Business Economics | BE 300 | Applied Economics | 3 | Junior |
Business Economics | BE 301 | Advanced Applied Microeconomics | 3 | Junior |
Business Economics | BE 502 | Applied Microeconomics | 2.25 | Graduate |
Business Economics | BE 562 | Growth and Stabilization in the Macro Economy | 2.25 | Graduate |
Business Economics | BE 586 | Business Economics for the Entrepreneur | 1.5 | Graduate |
Economics | ECON 101 | Principles of Economics I | 3-4 | Freshman |
Economics | ECON 102 | Principles of Economics II | 3-4 | Freshman |
Economics | ECON 251* | Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics II | 4 | Sophomore |
Economics | ECON 310 | Money and Banking | 3 | Junior |
Economics | ECON 320 | Survey of Labor Economics | 3 | Junior |
Economics | ECON 323 | Economics and Gender | 3 | Junior |
Economics | ECON 340 | International Economics | 3 | Junior |
Economics | ECON 360 | The Developing Economies | 3 | Junior |
Economics | ECON 370 | Environmental & Resource Econ | 3 | Junior |
Economics | ECON 401* | Intermediate Microeconomic Theory | 4 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 402* | Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory | 4 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 411 | Monetary and Financial Theory | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 421 | Labor Economics I | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 435 | Financial Economics | 4 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 437 | Energy Economics and Policy | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 442 | International Finance | 4 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 444 | The European Economy | 4 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 445 | The Economy of the People’s Republic of China | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 446 | Economics of Japan | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 452 | Intermediate Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics II | 4 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 454 | Advanced Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics II | 4 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 457 | Finance Econometrics | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 461 | The Economics of Development I | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 462 | The Economics of Development II | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 466 | Economics of Population | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 471/EAS 571 | Environmental Economics | 3 | Senior |
Economics | ECON 487 | Urban Economics | 3 | Senior |
Environment | ENVIRON 375 / ECON 370 | Environmental & Resource Economics | 3 | Junior |
Finance | FIN 300* | Financial Management | 3 | Junior |
Finance | FIN 302* | Making Financial Decisions | 3 | Junior |
Finance | FIN 317* | Corporate Financing Decisions | 3 | Junior |
Finance | FIN 329*/ES 329 | Financing Research Commercialization | 3 | Junior |
Finance | FIN 408* | Capital Markets and Investment Strategy | 1.5 | Junior |
Finance | FIN 409* | Fixed Income Securities and Markets | 1.5 | Junior |
Finance | FIN 415* | Corporate Investment Decisions | 3 | Junior |
Finance | FIN 440* | Financial Trading | 1.5 | Junior |
Finance | FIN 480* | Options and Futures in Financial Decision Making | 3 | Junior |
Marketing | MKT 408 | Pricing | 3 | Junior |
Public Policy | PUBPOL 330 | Microeconomics for Public Policy | 4 | Junior |
Public Policy | PUBPOL 431 | Economics of Sports Policy | 4 | Senior |
Public Policy | PUBPOL 432 | Urban Economics and Policy | 3 | Senior |
Public Policy | PUBPOL 542 | International Financial Policy | 3 | Graduate |
Public Policy | PUBPOL 555 | Microeconomics A | 3 | Graduate |
Public Policy | PUBPOL 556 | Macroeconomics | 3 | Graduate |
Strategy | STRATEGY 310 | Competing in the Global Business Environment | 3 | Junior |
Strategy | STRATEGY 503 | Competing in the Global Business Environment | 1.5 | Graduate |
Urban Planning | URP 509 | Public Economics for Urban Planning | 2-3 | Graduate |
Urban Planning | URP 510 | Fiscal Planning and Management | 2-3 | Graduate |