Students may leverage the RISE system to acquire degree credit for educational co-curricular experiences across the University (e.g. BLUElab, MHeal, Multi-Disciplinary Design Program (MDP), Honors Program, UM Solar Car Team, Michigan Baja Racing, etc.).
To receive x90 course credit, students must enroll in and complete all the x90 requirements, including proposal submission and participation in the ME Undergraduate Symposium. Students may count work completed as part of these other programs for their x90 course as long as it involves mechanical engineering principles. Students must have an ME Instructor who will oversee the mechanical engineering aspects and grade the x90 project. This may be in addition to the requirements for the outside program.
Students will be required to present their work at the ME Undergraduate Symposium. If there are special circumstances (e.g. intellectual property agreements) that prevent the student from participating in the public portion of this event, approval for accommodations must be sought from the ME Associate Chair for Undergraduate Program during the proposal submission.
Some of our current partners include: