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Angela Violi Receives NSF CAREER Award


Professor Angela Violi, Assistant Professor of Mechanical, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, has been selected by National Science Foundation to receive the prestigious Faculty Early Career Development Award though the NSF CAREER program. Her highly interdisciplinary research agenda focuses on investigations of “Uptake, Fate and Transport of Environmental Nanoparticles: From Atomistic Simulation to Membrane Diagnostics.”

The description provided by the NSF award web site states that “The intellectual merit of this project revolves around a novel theoretical effort to explore the interaction of man-made carbon-based nanoparticles with biological structures such as membranes. Knowledge on the basic and critical issues of how such anthropogenic particles ‘fit in’ and modify biological assemblies, whether they be in plant or animal, is still very limited…This project is therefore devoted to providing some of this critically important environmental information through a highly synergistic scientific approach.”

Violi’s CAREER award is effective for the period April 15, 2007 to March 31, 2012.

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