ME PhD student Meng Ting Chung received the Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 31st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) in 2018 for his paper, “Sort ‘n Merge: A Deterministic Microfluidic Platform For Co-encapsulating Distinct Particles in Microdroplets.” This award is conferred to the 3 best papers presented by student authors among 200 papers accepted from 800+ submitted abstracts. The Technical Program Committee selected his paper for the highly innovative nature of his work.
Chung’s research focuses on BioMEMS technology for ultrahigh-throughput single-cell mRNA profiling. His device precisely pairs DNA-coded beads and cells within microscale droplet reactors and enables screening of “On” state DNA in individual cells for precision genetic medicine and brain research.
Chung is a member of Professor Katsuo Kurabayashi’s Microsystems Technology and Science Lab.