Dawn Tilbury, Herrick Professor of Engineering and the inaugural Chair of U-M Robotics, has received the ASME DSCD 2022 Henry M. Paynter Outstanding Investigator Award.
This award is given biennially by the Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD) of ASME to a DSCD member who has demonstrated sustained outstanding research contributions, either basic or applied, as a mechanical engineering professional to fields of interest to the DSCD.
Dr. Tilbury was awarded “for pioneering the application of deterministic feedback control to computing and networked controlled systems in industries and factories; ground-breaking and enabling research on the control of large-scale flexible manufacturing systems and the use of ‘digital twins;’ and for pioneering research on motion planning for non-holonomic systems like cars with trailers.”
Dr. Tilbury received the award at the ASME DSCD Awards Ceremony and Oldenburger Lecture, which took place at the 2022 Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, October 2-5, 2022, in Jersey City, NJ.