Diann Brei, UM Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chair of Integrative Systems + Design (ISD), was selected to receive the 2022 ASME Machine Design Award “for outstanding contributions in novel device design and for supporting engineering science, as well as for mentoring and building communities in the field of smart materials and structures.”
The ASME Machine Design Award was established in 1958 to recognize eminent achievement or distinguished service in the field of machine design. A formal presentation of the award will take place during the ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), August 14–17, 2022, in St. Louis, Missouri.
In response to this recognition, Dr. Brei said, “I have always been passionate about the design of emerging technology and hope that love for mechanical engineering inspires others to design our future.”
Dr. Brei is the first woman to receive this honor.
Congratulations, Dr. Brei.