We are pleased to announce that Dr. Marshall Jones, one of our distinguished alumni, member of the National Academy of Engineering and member of our External Advisory Board, has been awarded the 2001 Coolidge Award, the GE Global Research Center’s highest honor. The award is named after William Coolidge, a pioneer in ductile tungsten and one of the GE’s greatest contributors.
Dr. Jones is one of the world’s foremost authorities in the field of fiber-optic laser beam technology and laser material processing where he has received 41 US patents. His numerous contributions include the invention, development and demonstration of techniques for injecting high-power laser energy into single-core fiber optic cables, using lasers to heat treat and otherwise enhance the properties of materials, and adapting GE’s high brightness military laser technology to industrial applications. In addition to his technical contributions, Dr. Jones is very active in education and community affairs and a prominent figure in K-12 outreach. For more information on Dr. Jones and his many outstanding achievements, please see his biography.