ME Professor Jack Hu received a best paper award at the International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, held this past July in Changsha, China. His paper, “Sequential Monitoring of Surface Spatial Variation in Automotive Machining Processes Based on High Definition Metrology,” is co-authored with Saumuy Suriano and Hui Wang.
Also this past summer, Hu was also elected Chair of the Scientific and Technical Committee for Assembly Technologies (STCA) of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP). He was elected to this position at the Academy’s general assembly meeting held in Pisa, Italy, in late August. CIRP is the world’s leading organization in production engineering research and is at the forefront of design, optimization, control and management of processes, machines and systems.
In addition to his professorships in the ME department and in the department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, Hu also serves as the University Co-Director of General Motors Collaborative Research Laboratory on Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing. His research interests include configuration design, performance analysis, and mass customization of manufacturing systems; assembly system design, variation propagation analysis, joint design, and joining/welding methods; sheet metal stamping and hydroforming; and engineering statistics.