The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan will welcome Parviz Moin in the Mechanical Engineering 150th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture Series.
Parviz Moin
Founding Director of Center for Turbulence Research, Franklin P. and Caroline M. Johnson Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Lecture: Reduced Order Modeling of Wall Turbulence
April 20, 2018
Lecture 4:00 p.m.
Reception to Follow
Chesebrough Auditorium
2121 Bonisteel Blvd.
220 Chrysler Center
Ann Arbor, MI
Modeling turbulent flow near a wall is a pacing item in computational fluid dynamics for aerospace applications and geophysical flows. In high fidelity numerical simulations, wall modeling leads to dramatic reduction in the required computational resources. Gradual progress has been made in statistical modeling of near wall turbulence using the Reynolds averaged equations of motion. Recent advances in this area will be reviewed. The discovery of minimal flow unit that mimics intermittent dynamics and statistical features of turbulent flow in the vicinity of the wall provided early evidence that the near wall turbulence is amenable to reduced order modeling. The underlying rationale for potential success in using low dimensional dynamical systems theory is based on the fact that the Reynolds number is ow in close proximity to the wall. Presumably for the same reason, low dimensional models are expected to be successful in modeling of the laminar/turbulence transition region. This has been shown recently using dynamic mode decomposition. Furthermore, it is shown that the near wall flow structure and statistics in the late and non-linear transition regions are strikingly similar to those in higher Reynolds number fully developed turbulence. Professor Moin will argue that the accumulated evidence suggests that wall modeling for large eddy simulation (LES) using low dimensional dynamical systems is a profitable avenue to pursue. The main challenge would be the numerical integration of such wall models in LES methodology.
Professor Moin is the Franklin P. and Caroline M. Johnson Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Founding Director of the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford University. He received his B.M.E. degree in 1974 from the University of Minnesota, a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and M.S. in Mathematics from Stanford University in 1978 and joined NASA Ames Research Center as a Research Scientist. He joined the Stanford faculty in 1986. Moin is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and AIAA, as well as, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the recipient of NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal, the AIAA’s Lawrence Sperry Award, American Physical Society’s Fluid Dynamics Prize, AIAA Fluid Dynamics Award, and the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal. He is the Editor of the Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics and Associate Editor of the Journal of Computational Physics.