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ME Students Receive ME Departmental Awards


The following students received 2020 ME Departmental Awards.


J.A. Bursley Mechanical Engineering Award – Jeremy Goldhawk – ME BSE, WN 20

Jeremy Goldhawk “I am so grateful for this award! It has been such an amazing experience to learn & grow from my professors, lecturers, and classmates. Thank you!”










Llyod H. Donnell Award – Radu Tolontan – ME BSE, Senior

Radu TolontonWe are the generation that will be looking for employment after one of the worst crises in the last 50 years. Thank god we are resilient, adaptable, and oh so passionate. Yuval Noah Harari said it beautifully: “No individual knows everything it takes to build a cathedral, an atom bomb, or an aircraft. What gave Homo Sapiens an edge over all other animals and turned us into the masters of the planet was not our individual rationality but our unparalleled ability to think together in large groups [1]”. That is what Michigan Engineering is all about and that is why we should stick together.” [1] – “21 Lessons for the 21st Century” – Yuval Noah Harari





Robert. M. Caddell Memorial Scholarship


Elizabeth BernhardtElizabeth Bernhardt

“I feel truly honored to be one of the recipients of the Robert M. Caddell scholarship. From respected professors to my peers, I am deeply appreciative of the many people who have guided and supported me throughout my time at the University of Michigan. I am incredibly grateful for the recognition and support of my educational pursuits.”









Lejun JianLejun Jiang

“I feel honored to receive this scholarship. With the amazing faculties at Michigan, I got a chance to explore and research in the field of materials and manufacturing as well as other areas of Mechanical Engineering. Graduating from Michigan does not mean the termination of my exploration in the engineering world. Instead, I am ready and excited for the next level of my journey in research.”







Lea RussLea Russo

“I’m incredibly honored to have been chosen to receive this scholarship, and more so to have had the opportunity to do great work within the ME department over the past four years. The education and hands-on experience I have received as a Michigan Mechanical Engineer will continue to prove invaluable as I continue my engineering journey beyond graduation.”





Mechanical Engineering Spirit Award

Yuanzhen TanYuanzhen Fan

“It is my pleasure to be awarded the 2020 ME Spirit Award. Please allow me to first thank all the ME faculty that taught me and guided me in the past. Also, I want to thank all the ME staff for creating such a lovely place for us to study. Last but not least, I want to thank the ME students that I worked with before. To me, mechanical engineering means “rigorous” and “teamwork”. For rigorous, here’s no place for small tricks, because any error or uncertainty will lead to failure in the machine shop. For teamwork, I learned that I have to collaborate and trust the people I work with. Only by working together, we can achieve bigger success. Go Blue!”








Erica PintoErica Pinto

“I am very excited and honored to receive the 2020 ME Spirit Award. I am grateful for all my amazing professors and mentors, in addition to my peers, who gave me the opportunity to grow and to learn what leadership looks like as an engineer. I will cherish the friendships and experiences I gained from my ME degree forever. Wherever you go, Go Blue!”









Oaola RiojaPaola Rioja

“I am very thankful to have been selected as the winner of the 2020 ME Spirit Award. Thank you to the ME department and the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program for the Award. I really enjoy being part of this department and the UofM ASME chapter. I have learned a lot and look forward to learning and growing personally and professionally in my last year at the University of Michigan. Go Blue!”







R&B Machine Tool Company Scholarship Award

Michael Apone


Michael Apone

“I’m extremely honored to have been selected for this award! Thank you to all of the excellent faculty members at the University of Michigan’s Department of Mechanical Engineering; the department has given me the opportunity to accomplish so much during my undergraduate education. Having held a tooling engineer position, I recognize the importance of tooling technology in advancing manufacturing capabilities and I appreciate R&B Machine Tool Co.’s efforts to support this key industry. Thank you again to R&B Machine Tool Co. and the ME department!”








MMihirihir Gondhalekar










Michael ArmenMichael-Armen Kadian

“I appreciate the generosity of the ME department and I am honored that my hard work was recognized”.













VishnuVishnu Rengaraj

“It is truly an honor to be selected for the R&B Machine Tool Company scholarship. Its existence is a testament to R&B Machine Tool Co.’s support for local students studying materials and manufacturing.”

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