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North Campus’ Deans’ MLK Spirit Awards recipients


The North Campus’ Deans’ MLK Spirit Awards were held on January 16th, 2023.

Solomon Adera, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, received an MLK Spirit Award for Faculty & Postdocs. This award recognizes North Campus faculty and postdocs whose scholarship, teaching, and/or service exemplify the leadership and vision of Dr. King. Awardees may lead or inspire students, colleagues, and the broader community to develop and utilize their talents to advance social justice.

Susan Cheng, Manager of Diversity and Inclusion in Mechanical Engineering, received an MLK Spirit Award for Staff. This award recognizes North Campus staff work, initiatives, and values that exemplify the leadership and vision of Dr. King.

Alondra Ortiz-Ortiz, a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, Yves Nazon, a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, and Thanina Emily Makhlouf, an undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering, each received an MLK Spirit Award for Students. This award recognizes North Campus students whose academics and/or community engagement exemplify the leadership and vision of Dr. King. Awardees may lead or inspire peers, faculty/staff, and the broader community to develop or utilize their talents to advance social justice.

Alondra Ortiz-Ortiz, PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, receiving her MLK Spirit Award for Students.

The full list of North Campus’ Deans’ MLK Spirit Awards recipients and photos from the event are available on the Office of Culture, Community and Equity’s website.

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