Tuesday, November 1, 2011
4:00 – 5:00 pm
1504 GG Brown
The Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar for Tuesday, November 1, features Peter Friedman, PhD. Friedman is a manager of the Manufacturing Research Department for the Ford Research and Innovation Center. He will discuss the “Implementation of Lightweight Materials in Automotive Applications.”
Abstract: Government regulation, increasing fuel cost, and a growing environmental awareness among consumers and corporations have motivated automakers to seek and develop new technologies for improving fuel economy. The cost-effective reduction of vehicle weight is an essential part of this effort. While direct material substitution of lightweight materials can positively affect overall vehicle mass and hence fuel efficiency, the effect can be compounded if it can be coupled with other vehicle actions such as improved engine efficiency, alternative powertrains and aerodynamic improvements. This talk will focus on the benefits and challenges of using different material systems for lightweighting vehicles. An overview of lightweight materials suitable for the car industry will be followed by examination of the technical and economic barriers delaying their implementation. Following, there will be a discussion around new technologies that could help to further reduce the cost of manufacturing lightweight vehicles.
For more information on future department seminars, visit the ME Seminar Series page.