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Paper by Reddy, Gavini and Dunietz’s Groups Published in the Journal of American Chemical Society


ReddyGavinibarry dunietz

Left to right: Pramod Reddy, Vikram Gavini, Barry Dunietz

A paper from the combined efforts of professors Vikram Gavini, Barry Dunietz, and Pramod Reddy was published recently in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) June, 2011 issue. It is titled, “Effect of Length and Contact Chemistry on the Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Molecular Junctions” and describes a combined experimental and computational study that probes the thermoelectric and electrical transport properties of molecular junctions.

Pramod Reddy is as an Assistant Professor, in the Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Michigan. His research interests lie in Nanoscale charge and energy transport, thermoelectric devices, microscale heat transfer and scanning probe microscopy and optics.

Vikram Gavini is also an Assistant Professor for the Mechanical Engineering department. His research covers developing computational and mathematical tools for electronic structure calculations at macroscopic scales, multi-scale modeling, analysis of approximation theories, and electronic structure studies on defects in solids.

Barry Dunietz is as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. His research interests include studying molecular scale charge and energy transfer, hydrogen fuel economy, inorganic reaction mechanisms, and the excited states studies of extended systems and biological systems.

The Journal of the American Chemical Society, founded in 1879, is the flagship journal of the American Chemical Society and the preeminent journal in the field. It is devoted to the publication of fundamental research papers in all areas of chemistry.

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