A Display of Recent Engineering Research
All graduate students and undergraduates, men and women, are invited to participate in a research poster competition being sponsored by the Society of Women Engineers. This event is an opportunity for students to share their work and their research with the wider university community.
Posters must be mounted on 30″x40″ foam core boards provided by the SWE Graduate Committee and displayed on no more than two foam core boards. For more information, contact Marissa Ebersole, [email protected].
Important Dates
* March 19: Application due at the SWE office (1226 EECS) or to [email protected]
*March 29, 9:00-10:00 a.m., Media Union Atrium: Completed poster due (to be placed on easels and foam core)
*March 29-April 1, Media Union Atrium: Posters displayed and judged (open to the public)
*April 1, 3:00-5:00 p.m., Media Union Central Collaboration Area: Address by a guest speaker and award ceremony
Four cash prizes are being offered:
* $200 First Place Overall
* $100 First Place Based on Content
* $100 First Place Based on Presentation
* $100 First Place Undergraduate