ME graduate student Seid Sadat is the recipient of the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding PhD Research. Each year, three student winners are selected for this award. The Prize for Outstanding PhD Research is a college-level competition across departments for Ph.D. graduate students who are within one and one-half years of degree completion. It is intended to highlight the innovation and creativity demonstrated by CoE Ph.D. students, and to reward their outstanding research achievements.
Sadat’s research focuses on understanding heat transport and energy conversion in low-dimensional materials and nanoscale gaps under the supervision of Prof. Pramod Reddy and Prof. Edgar Meyhofer. He aims to develop novel instruments and measurement techniques to accurately quantify heat transport in nanoscale devices and low-dimensional systems. Recently, he has successfully designed, micro-fabricated and characterized two types of ultra-high resolution heat flow calorimeters with sub 10 pW resolution—more than an order of magnitude improvement in comparison to state-of-the-art devices. This enhanced heat-flow calorimetric resolution is expected to enable and simplify fundamental studies of phonon transport at the molecular scale and near-field radiative heat transfer in nanoscale gaps. Prior to coming to the University of Michigan, Seid received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Tabriz and Sharif Universities, Iran and M.Sc. in Mechano-Micro Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
The following ME students were participants and winners in the CoE Graduate Symposium competitions:
- Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding PhD Research:
Seid Sadat - Automotive Engineering:
Byung-joo Kim
William Smith - Design and Manufacturing:
Joshua Bishop-Mosher - Fluidic Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Combustion:
Brandon Patterson
Paul Arias
Mauro Rodriguez - MEMs:
Vikram Thakar - Microfluidics:
Weiqiang Chen - Nanotechnology:
Mostafa Bedewy
Yashar Ganjeh - Solid State Materials and Physics:
Seunghyun Lee