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Sung receives 2017 SAE Henry O. Fuchs Student Award


Shin-Jang SungME PhD student Shin-Jang Sung has been selected to receive the SAE Henry O. Fuchs Student Award for Fall 2017. The purpose of this award is to promote the education of engineering students in the area of fatigue technology. It is awarded by the SAE Fatigue Design Evaluation Committee. The FD&E committee is comprised of divisions chartered to contribute to the advancement of engineering practice in the areas of Materials Properties, Surface Enhancement, Structural Analysis, Road Load Data Acquisition, and Life Prediction Methodology.

Sung’s research focuses on stress intensity factor solutions for dissimilar welds in lap-shear specimens under different loading conditions and fracture analyses of irradiated hydrided Zr-2.5Nb materials with hydrides. He is a member of the Structural Durability Laboratory.

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