ME graduate student Lauren Mancia placed third in the Biomedical Acoustics Student Paper Award at the 169th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) in Pittsburgh, PA, May 18-22 2015. Her paper was entitled “Stress and strain fields produced by violent bubble collapse”. Lauren was an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. More information on the award can be found here:
ME graduate student Marc Henry de Frahan placed third in the CFD Student Paper Competition at the 22nd American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference in Dallas, TX, June 22-26 2015. His paper was entitled “High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Applied to Multiphase Flows”. Marc is a past recipient of the Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship.
Both Lauren and Marc are part of ME Assistant Professor Eric Johnsen’s lab, the Scientific Computing and Flow Physics Laboratory. The group’s research draws from applied mathematics, numerical analysis, physical modeling and high-performance computing to develop novel techniques for numerical simulations and modeling of flow phenomena.