Software for powder bed fusion printers optimizes laser’s printing path.
Software for powder bed fusion printers optimizes laser’s printing path.
Professor Kazu Saitou creates an environment where students learn the essential skills of manufacturing design but also new ones like virtual collaboration.
The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) has put together a committee on “Strengthening the Talent for National Defense: Infusing Advanced Manufacturing in Engineering Education.” Chinedum Okwudire has been chosen to serve on this committee.
A recent article written by Chinedum Okwudire and Harsha Madhyastha for Science Magazine delves into the benefits of massively distributed manufacturing.
The global move to advanced materials and electric powertrains requires a re-evaluation of how we recycle vehicles.
In the Conversation, Sridhar Kota talks about how the global pandemic has interrupted supply chains for almost 75% of US companies.
The 2020 Leadership in Engineering Award from the Washington Academy of Sciences has been awarded to Dawn Tilbury.
As research begins to ramp back up in G.G. Brown, we find out how faculty and students are making changes to safely re-enter their workspace.
Dr. Jun Ni has been selected for SME’s list of the top 20 most influential professors in Smart Manufacturing
U-M ME 250 and 350 classes make the most of their new class structure while still learning the fundamentals.