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Volker Sick

Volker Sick

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
DTE Energy Professor of Advanced Energy Research
Director, Global CO2 Initiative

Individual Home Page
Global CO2 Initiative Website


2476 GGB
2350 Hayward, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (734) 647-9607


Habilitation Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg, 1997
Doctorate, University of Heidelberg, 1992

Research Interests

Accelerating deployments of CO2-utilization technologies that will innovate existing infrastructure and manufacturing processes, thereby finding sustainable solutions to help address the climate crisis. Developing and applying optical measurement techniques to diagnose diseases of the human eye.

Research Areas

Energy, Fluids, Thermal Sciences

Honors & Awards

  • Royal Society of Chemistry Spiers Memorial Lecture Award, 2021
  • DTE Energy Professor of Advanced Energy Research, 2019
  • President's Award for Distinguished Service in International Education, 2018
  • Fellow of The Combustion Institute, 2018
  • Internal Combustion Engine Award, ASME, 2015
  • Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, 2013
  • Master’s Mentoring Award, Rackham, 2012
  • International Leadership Citation, SAE, 2012
  • Education Excellence Award, College of Engineering, University of Michigan, 2012
  • Silver Combustion Medal of the Combustion Institute, 2008
  • Michigan Leadership Advisor of the Year Award (for work with the Formula SAE team), The University of Michigan, 2007
  • Service Excellence Award, University of Michigan College of Engineering, 2007-08
  • Outstanding Student Group Advisor Award, CoE Epeians, 2006
  • Harold C. Simmons Award with James D. Smith, Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2006
  • Distinguished Paper Award with Claudia M. Fajardo, The Combustion Institute, 2006
  • Faculty of the Term, Pi Tau Sigma, Michigan Pi Rho Chapter, 2006
  • Award for Outstanding Faculty Achievement, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2003
  • Excellence in oral presentation, Society of Automotive Engineers, 2002, 2004
  • Teaching Incentive Award for outstanding performance in education, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2001
  • Teaching Incentive Award for outstanding performance in education, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1999
  • Forest McFarland Award, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1999
  • Venia Legendi and Privatdozent, University of Heidelberg, 1997
  • Research Fellowship, German Science Foundation, 1994-1995

Faculty Type

Tenured and Tenure-Track

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