ME Directory

Instructional Faculty

Name Phone Email Address Title
Solomon Adera734-647-2300[email protected]2428 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Rayhaneh Akhavan(734) 763-1048[email protected]2240 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Ellen Arruda(734) 763-5328[email protected]2370D GGBTim Manganello/BorgWarner Department Cha...
Shorya Awtar(734) 615-0285[email protected]1630 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Rohini Bala Chandran(734) 647-9049[email protected]3450 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Mihaela Banu(734) 936-0378[email protected]3001F EECSProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
James Barber(734) 936-0406[email protected]3440 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Andre Boehman(734) 764-6995[email protected]2045 ALProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Diann Brei(734) 763-6617[email protected]1320 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Daniel Bruder734-647-4922[email protected]3480 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Ashley Bucsek(734) 764-8797[email protected]3436 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Jesse Capecelatro(734) 936-2137[email protected]2011 ALAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Steve Ceccio(734) 647-7020[email protected]Robert H. Lurie Engineering Center
1221 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2102
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Daniel Cooper(734) 764-1357[email protected]2458 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Shanna Daly(734) 763-0822[email protected]3316 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Neil Dasgupta(734) 764-9655[email protected]3658 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
David Dowling(734) 936-0423[email protected]2019 ALProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Bogdan Epureanu(734) 647-6391[email protected]3650 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Martin Erinin[email protected]2027 ALAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Tulga Ersal(734) 763-7388[email protected]2019 ALAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Jon Estrada(734) 647-4330[email protected]2450 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Yue Fan(734) 764-4334[email protected]3476 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Jianping Fu(734) 615-7363[email protected]2664 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Vikram Gavini(734) 763-9685[email protected]1640 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Jerard Gordon(734) 647-9451[email protected]2650 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Karl Grosh(734) 764-9414[email protected]3646 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
James Holly, Jr.734-647-6857[email protected]3522 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Xun (Ryan) Huan(734) 647-5338[email protected]2033 ALAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Art Hyde[email protected]G036 ALAssociate Professor of Engineering Pract...
Uduak Inyang-Udoh734-647-4930[email protected]3468 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Eric Johnsen(734) 647-1450[email protected]2380C GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Massoud Kaviany(734) 936-0402[email protected]3444 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Julia Kramer734-763-9688[email protected]3516 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
David Kwabi(734) 764-2747[email protected]3472 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Xiaogan Liang(734) 764-7547[email protected]3664 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Allen Liu(734) 764-7719[email protected]2674 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Wei Lu(734) 647-7858[email protected]3666 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Edgar Meyhofer(734) 647-7856[email protected]1636 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Sungmin Nam[email protected]2672 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Chinedum Okwudire(734) 647-1531[email protected]2656 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Kenn Oldham(734) 615-6327[email protected]3656 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Gabor Orosz(734) 763-2769[email protected]G034 ALProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Kevin Pipe(734) 763-6624[email protected]1644 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Bogdan Popa(734) 764-2380[email protected]3680 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Pramod Sangi Reddy(734) 615-5952[email protected]1634 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Kazu Saitou(734) 763-0036[email protected]2454 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Chenhui Shao(734) 615-6474[email protected]3464 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Chengzhi Shi734-763-8081[email protected]2678 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Albert Shih(734) 647-1766[email protected]3001 EECS
2350 Hayward St.
Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Alex Shorter(734) 764-8449[email protected]3534 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Volker Sick(734) 647-9607[email protected]2476 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Kathleen Sienko(734) 647-8249[email protected]3454 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Steve Skerlos(734) 615-5253[email protected]3324 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Anna Stefanopoulou(734) 615-8461[email protected]2044 ALProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Sita Syal734-936-1675[email protected]3556 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Wenda Tan[email protected]2424 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Jing Tang(734) 936-2775[email protected]3458 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Karen A. Thole[email protected]Robert J Vlasic Dean of Engineering
Michael Thouless(734) 763-5289[email protected]3672 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Serife Tol(734) 936-3251[email protected]3674 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Aaron Towne(734) 647-5338[email protected]2023 ALAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Jacinto Ulloa[email protected]Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Christopher Vermillion734-647-4949[email protected]2658 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Hugo Gonzalez Villasanti614-216-8334[email protected]3546 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Angela Violi(734) 615-6448[email protected]3005B EECSProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Kon-Well Wang(734) 764-8464[email protected]2468 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Margaret Wooldridge(734) 936-0349[email protected]2436 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Hongyi Xiao[email protected]2480 GGBAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...


Name Phone Email Address Title
David Fleming[email protected]3556 GGBLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering
Nicole Friedberg[email protected]3664 GGBLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering
Brian Kish734-763-8516[email protected]2007 ALLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering
Jeffrey Koller734-763-8508[email protected]3435 GGBLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering
Jon Luntz(734) 615-3889[email protected]2295A GGBLecturer III, Mechanical Engineering
Tian Mi734-936-1324[email protected]1020 ALLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering
Michael Umbriac(734) 615-4244[email protected]1338 GGBLEO Lecturer IV, Mechanical Engineering

Primary Research Scientists

Name Phone Email Address Title
Alauddin Ahmed(734) 763-8682[email protected]3580 GGBAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical...
James Ashton-Miller(734) 763-2320[email protected]3443 GGBResearch Professor, Mechanical Engineeri...
Sambit Das[email protected]Assistant Research Scientist, Mechanical...
Paolo Elvati(734) 936-0575[email protected]3005 EECSAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical...
Theodor Freiheit(734) 764-8430[email protected]3001C EECSResearch Associate Professor, Mechanical...
Miguel Funes Lora[email protected]1043A DowResearch Investigator, Mechanical Engine...
Bikash Kanungo[email protected]Assistant Research Scientist, Mechanical...
Grant Kruger(734) 763-6351[email protected]1043C DowAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical...
Jon Luntz(734) 615-3889[email protected]2295A GGBLecturer III, Mechanical Engineering
Robert Middleton[email protected]1004 ALAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical...
Lauro Ojeda(734) 647-1803[email protected]3439 GGBResearch Scientist, Mechanical Engineeri...
Young Geun Park(734) 936-2410[email protected]3656 GGBAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical...
Ulrich Scheven[email protected]Associate Research Scientist, Mechanical...
Jason Siegel(734) 763-2868[email protected]1016 ALResearch Associate Professor, Mechanical...
Siddhartha Srivastava[email protected]Assistant Research Scientist, Mechanical...

Joint, Adjunct & Visiting Faculty

Name Phone Email Address Title
Mitra Aliabouzar[email protected]6446A MED SCI IAssistant Research Scientist, Mechanical...
John Allison(734) 615-5150[email protected]3018 DowProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Kira Barton(734) 764-7293[email protected]3256 FRBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Michael Bernitsas(734) 764-9317[email protected]212 NAMEProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Erin Cech734-936-1704[email protected]4218 LSAAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Cheri Deng(734) 936-2855[email protected]2111 GERProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Pingsha Dong(734) 615-7484[email protected]218 NAMEProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Karthik Duraisamy734-615-7270[email protected]3009 FXBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Nima Fazeli[email protected]Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Evgueni Filipov(734) 764-8339[email protected]2036 GGBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Yogesh Gianchandani(734) 615-6407[email protected]2403 EECSProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Brent Gillespie(734) 647-6907[email protected]3450 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Nakhiah Goulbourne[email protected]3042 FXBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Robert Gregg[email protected]2260 FRBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Jay Guo(734) 647-7718[email protected]2304 EECSProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Jingwen Hu(734) 763-6398[email protected]429 UMTRIResearch Professor, Mechanical Engineeri...
Ronald Larson(734) 936-0772[email protected]3062 DowProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Henry Liu[email protected]2116 GGBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Krishnan Mahesh[email protected]Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Amit Misra(734) 763-2445[email protected]3062B DowProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Talia Moore[email protected]Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Venkat Raman(734) 764-4318[email protected]3044 FXBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Elliott Rouse(734) 763-3629[email protected]2264 FRBAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Anchal Sareen[email protected]204 NAMEAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Jing Sun(734) 615-8061[email protected]219 NAMEProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Alan Taub(734) 763-1024[email protected]2098 DowProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Dawn Tilbury(734) 936-2129[email protected]3248 FRBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Ramanarayan Vasudevan(734) 647-5560[email protected]G058 ALAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Venkat Viswanathan734 647-4225[email protected]Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineer...
Anthony Waas(734) 764-7320[email protected]3064 FXBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Thomas Wang(734) 936-1228[email protected]1522 BSRBProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Euisik Yoon[email protected]2400 EECSProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Lei Zuo[email protected]204 NAMEProfessor, Mechanical Engineering

Emeritus Faculty

Name Phone Email Address Title
Claus Borgnakke(734) 936-0432[email protected]2031 ALAssociate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical...
Michael Chen[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
David ColeAssociate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical...
Maria Comninou[email protected]Professor Emerita, Theoretical and Appli...
Steven Goldstein(734) 936-7417[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
William Graebel[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Robert Hess[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
John HoardAssociate Research Scientist Emeritus, M...
S. Jack HuProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Greg Hulbert(734) 763-4456[email protected]3003A EECSProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Hugh Huntley[email protected]Associate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical...
Elijah Kannatey-Asibu Jr.(734) 936-0408[email protected]3468 GGBProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Noboru Kikuchi[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Yoram Koren[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Sridhar Kota(734) 936-0357[email protected]3480 GGBProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Katsuo Kurabayashi(734) 615-5211[email protected]2658 GGBProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Edward Lady[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Zheng-Dong Ma[email protected]Research Scientist Emeritus, Mechanical ...
Jun Ni(734) 936-2918[email protected]1020 DowProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Jwo Pan(734) 764-9404[email protected]3458 GGBProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Panos Papalambros(734) 647-8401[email protected]3200A EECSProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Donald PattersonProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Noel Perkins[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Marc Perlin(734) 763-4754[email protected]208 NAMEProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Bill Schultz(734) 936-0351[email protected]2027 ALProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Jeffrey Stein(734) 936-3336[email protected]2480 GGBProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Nicolas Triantafyllidis[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Galip Ulsoy[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Alan Wineman[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
Wei-Hsuin Yang[email protected]Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineeri...
John Young[email protected]Associate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical...


Name Phone Email Address Title
Kristy Bajcz[email protected]2370A GGBFaculty Affairs Coord
Michelle Barnett(734) 764-8465[email protected]2370E GGBDepartment Administrator
Kathleen Beebe(734) 615-8167[email protected]2316 GGBResearch Administrator
Kathy Bishar[email protected]2380 GGBAcademic Advisor /Couns Sr
Charlie Bradley(734) 936-0335[email protected]1495A GGBInstrument Maker
Diane Brouwer(734) 763-4371[email protected]2316 GGBResearch Administrator
Kacie Cadotte(734) 647-0539[email protected]2380 GGBAcademic Advisor /Couns Sr (UG Adv)
Nick Cantu(734) 764-6344[email protected]2252 GGBSenior Desktop Support Specialist
Susan Cheng(734) 615-8451[email protected]Special Projects Manager
Jason Davis734-763-3949[email protected]2380 GGBStudent Administration Manager
Michael Della Fave[email protected]2380 GGBCareer Readiness Specialist
Kemal Duran(734) 647-5777[email protected]1531A GGBDesign Instruction Engineer
Karen Durigon(734) 647-8088[email protected]2316A GGBFinance Manager
Susan Fancy(734) 936-0426[email protected]2026 ALGlobal CO2 Program Manager for Research and Commercialization
Andrea Fulton(734) 764-3680[email protected]2370 GGBAdmin Asst Assoc
Amber Galkin(734) 647-8775[email protected]2370 GGBResearch Administrator Intermediate
Rodney Gleason[email protected]Engineer in Research
Michele Goci(734) 764-8482[email protected]2252A GGBApplications Programmer/Analyst Senior
Dennis Guttman(734) 764-1837[email protected]2316 GGBResearch Administrator
Ashley Hloros[email protected]2370 GGBAdmin Asst Intermediate
Pierce Houston734-763-3015[email protected]2380 GGBSUGS Program Coordinator and Undergraduate Advisor
Levi Huyer734-764-5944[email protected]2541 GGBMechanical Tech Associate
Matthew Jastrzembowski(734) 764-3547[email protected]2286 GGBFacilities Manager
Joy Jones(734) 936-0337[email protected]2380 GGBStudent Engagement Specialist
Kori Jones[email protected]2370A GGBExecutive Assistant to Chair
Evan Jones(734) 615-6244[email protected]2316 GGBSenior Research Administrator
Brandyn Jordan734-647-9758[email protected]2380 GGBGraduate Coordinator
Kristi Kattapong[email protected]Global CO2 Communications Specialist
Bill Kirkpatrick(734) 764-4271[email protected]1058 ALEngineering Technician
Michael Klein(734) 764-5250[email protected]1505 GGBEngineering Technician
Jonathan Klozik(734) 763-5007[email protected]2252 GGBSystems Administrator Senior
Richard Krause[email protected]Research Administration Manager
Lynn Kujawa(734) 763-2368[email protected]2316 GGBResearch Administrator
DeLynne Lahtinen[email protected]Research Administrator Sr
John Laidlaw(734) 615-9473[email protected]2541B GGBEngineering Technician
Kassidy Lammers[email protected]Marketing Coordinator
Murray LaPointe(734) 763-5007[email protected]2252A GGBDesktop Support Specialist Associate
William Lim(734) 647-9051[email protected]1008 ALARC Program Manager
Adam Mael(734) 615-7024[email protected]2380 GGBGraduate Coordinator
Yvonne Manley[email protected]2370A GGBExecutive Assistant to Chair
Lydia Marks-Wilt734-615-0430[email protected]2316 GGBResearch Administrator Senior
Stephen McCord[email protected]2454 GGBResearch Area Specialist Lead
Dan McGuire734-764-0775[email protected]2316 GGBResearch Administrator Associate
Tim Moore(734) 763-4277[email protected]2380 GGBCurriculum Coordinator
Matthew New(734) 763-8906[email protected]2264 GGBIT Planning Manager
Peter Nguyen[email protected]Engineering Technician
Jennica Olive[email protected]Administrative and Events Coordinator
Kristina Owens(734) 647-6154[email protected]2316 GGBResearch Administrator Senior
Andy Poli[email protected]3605 GGBEngineering Technician
Todd Reinhart734-647-8355[email protected]1058ALEV Education Lab Technician
Jared Roy[email protected]Engineering Technician
Christina Ruhfel[email protected]Research Administrator Intermediate
Makenzie Schlessman(734) 936-9660[email protected]2252 GGBCommunications & Marketing Manager
Charles Solbrig734-936-2623[email protected]1058 ALEngineering Technician
Addy VanSledright(734) 763-2397[email protected]2370 GGBAdmin Assistant Assoc
Laura Vespaziani(734) 763-8104[email protected]2370F GGBHR Lead
Charlie Weger(734) 764-6549[email protected]2435 GGBMechanical Technician Sr
Angela Wegrecki(248) 219-9819[email protected]2252A GGBDirector of Strategic Initiatives
Kylie Welling734-764-0863[email protected]2380 GGBUndergraduate Academic Advisor
Don Wirkner(734) 763-7472[email protected]1531B GGBInstructional Lab Services Manager
Jonathon Yenkel(734) 764-5245[email protected]1505 GGBEngineering Technician

Instructional Areas

Design & Manufacturing ([email protected], coordinator: Shorya Awtar)

Shorya Awtar
Kira Barton
Diann Brei
Daniel Cooper
Shanna Daly
Neil Dasgupta
Brent Gillespie
Sridhar Kota
Xiaogan Liang
Jun Ni
Chinedum Okwudire
Panos Papalambros
Kazu Saitou
Albert Shih
Kathleen Sienko
Steve Skerlos
Jeffrey Stein

Dynamics Systems and Controls ([email protected], coordinator: Kira Barton)

Kira Barton
Bogdan Epureanu
Brent Gillespie
Karl Grosh
Kenn Oldham
Gabor Orosz
Bogdan Popa
Elliott Rouse
Alex Shorter
Kathleen Sienko
Anna Stefanopoulou
Jeffrey Stein
Dawn Tilbury
Ramanarayan Vasudevan
Kon-Well Wang

Materials & Solid Mechanics ([email protected], coordinator: Vikram Gavini)

Ellen Arruda
James Barber
Yue Fan
Vikram Gavini
Greg Hulbert
Allen Liu
Wei Lu
Edgar Meyhofer
Jwo Pan
Michael Thouless

Thermal & Fluid Sciences ([email protected], coordinator: Bill Schultz)

Rayhaneh Akhavan
Rohini Bala Chandran
Andre Boehman
Claus Borgnakke
Jesse Capecelatro
Steve Ceccio
David Dowling
Eric Johnsen
Massoud Kaviany
Katsuo Kurabayashi
Kevin Pipe
Pramod Sangi Reddy
Bill Schultz
Volker Sick
Angela Violi
Margaret Wooldridge

General Information


GG Brown: (734) 764-2694
Auto Lab: (734) 764-4254
GG Brown Loading Dock: (734) 763-6936
U-M Public Safety, North Campus Office: (734) 647-4066

Changes or alterations to directory: [email protected] (Laura Vespaziani)

ME Fax Numbers

Academic Services Office
(734) 647-7303
Auto Lab Office
(734) 764-4256
GGB 2nd Floor Office
(734) 647-3170
GGB 3rd Floor Office
(734) 615-6647
ME Administrative Office
(734) 647-9379

Faculty E-Mail Groups

Full Professors
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
Primary Research Scientists
Joint Appointments
Emeritus Faculty
Research Fellows
ME Professorial Faculty (Full, Assoc & Asst)
ME Faculty (Full, Assoc, Asst, PRS, & LEO)
All ME Faculty (Full, Assoc, Asst, PRS, Emeritus & Joint)
ME LEO Lecturers

Staff and Support E-Mail Groups

All ME Staff
ME IT Support
ASO Office
Admin Support
Conference Rooms
Classroom reservations (seminars, groups, etc)

Student E-Mail Groups

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Advisor: CBorgnakke)
Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Council
Mechanical Engineering Student Leader Board (MESLB)
MEngAutoE Students
Pi Tau Sigma (PTS)
SAE Formula
SAE Mini Baja
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
Unified Minorities in Mechanical Engineering (UMME)