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Papalambros receives 2014 ASEE and ASME awards



Panos Papalambros, the James B Angell Distinguished University Professor & Donald C Graham Professor, is the recipient of both the 2014 ASEE Ralph Coats Roe Award and the 2014 ASME Robert E Abbott Award.

The ASEE Ralph Coats Roe Award is a prestigious award that recognizes a mechanical engineering educator who is an outstanding teacher and who has made a notable contribution to the profession. The award is sponsored by the Mechanical Engineering Division and consists of a $10,000 honorarium, a plaque and travel expense reimbursement for attendance at the ASEE Annual Conference (more information about the award)

The ASME Robert E Abbott Award is a Lifetime Service Award which recognizes a Society Member who has served the Design Engineering Division beyond the call of duty. It honors valued services on behalf of the Division, the Society, and the Engineering Profession (more information about the award).

In addition to being a professor of mechanical engineering, Papalambros is also a professor of architecture, as well as a professor of Art and Design.

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