Mechatronics integrates electronics, controls, and computers in the design of high performance systems. Most modern products – automobiles, household appliances, printers, hard-disk drives, surgical tools, to name a few – embody numerous ‘intelligent’ or ‘smart’ features enabled by mechatronics.
Mechatronic design strives to produce higher performance at lower costs, a critical goal in the tech sector in today’s economy. Our mechatronic systems research focuses on:
- Micro and nanopositioning systems
- Haptic devices
- Bio-inspired compliant systems
- Nanomanipulation and nano manufacturing
- Robotics
- Smart materials and structures
- Structural health monitoring
- Haptic interface and robotics
- Production and application of nanostructured materials
- Kinematics and synthesis of mechanisms
- Human-robot interactions
- Networked multi-agent systems
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