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ME Graduate Student Seminar

The ME Department has a new initiative to reform its graduate program. The reformed graduate program allows the Department to enhance the professional development of our 3rd- and 4th-year ME Ph.D. and 2nd-year Master’s students and help them pursue diverse post-graduation careers, including academic, non-academic positions entrepreneurial career paths. The Department hosts a student-centric seminar series as part of this initiative. In the seminar, several graduate students are invited to give 3-min elevator pitches on their research projects to ME alumni from industries, startups, and national labs, assuming an audience of non-experts in their fields. Each elevator pitch talk addresses three key questions in 3 min: (1) what real-life problem your research addresses, (2) how you solve it in a unique way, and (3) what impact it would have on society. Graduate students and their advisors are invited to participate in this exciting event.

March 17, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, In-person meeting at 2505 GGB
Pre-seminar Training Session
Topic: Delivering an Effective Elevator Pitch
Guest Alumni: Neha Pankow (NSF Associate Program Director)
Read more about the event
Video Recording:

March 24, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, In-person meeting at 2505 GGB
Topic: “Biosystems and Thermal Sciences”
Student Speakers:
Julio Ferreira (Kaviany Lab)
Jamie Ferris (Sienko Lab)
Amin Reihani (Reddy Lab)
Nadab Wubshet (Liu Lab)
Chris Argenti (Shih Lab)
Andrew Stephens (Kurabayashi Lab)
Sajedeh Esfahani (Fu Lab)
Safa Jabri (Sienko Lab)
Guest Alumni: Rob Nidetz (LNF User Liason), Greg Sommer (CEO, Sandstone Diagnostics, Inc)
Read more about the event
Video Recording:

March 31, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, In-person meeting at 2505 GGB
Topic: “Control and Robotics”
Student Speakers:
Shannon Danforth (Vasudevan Lab)
Jinsun Liu (Vasudevan Lab)
Leo Medrano (Rouse Lab)
Tayebeh Sahraeibelverdi (Oldham Lab)
Max Wu (Barton Lab)
Tyler Toner (Barton Lab)
Eunjeong Hyeon (Stefanopoulou Lab)
Joe Drallmeier (Stefanopoulou Lab)
Guest Alumni: Laura A. Wojcik (CEO, L.A. Wojcik & Associates, LLC), Tim Athan (Former Science and Technology Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives)
Read more about the event
Zoom Link: (Passcode: MEGrad2022)

April 7, 5:00 – 6:00 pm, In-person meeting at 2505 GGB
Topic: “Design, Manufacturing, and Dynamics”
Student Speakers:
Hyung SukKwon (Popa Lab)
Nishant Jalgaonkar (Awtar Lab)
Heejin Kim (Okwudire Lab)
Revanth Damerla (Awtar Lab)
Hrishikesh Danaw (Tol Lab)
Yuxin Zhai (Popa Lab)
Jesus Garcia Perez (Epureanu Lab)
Guest Alumni: Ibrahim Mohedas (NSF Program Director), Dinesh Seksaria (Former Product Development Manager at Alcoa)
Read more about the event
Zoom Link: (Passcode: MEGrad2022)