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Thesis Defense: Sravan Pannala

2540 GGB 2350 Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Title: Modeling of Capacity, Resistance, and Expansion of Lithium-ion Batteries as they Degrade: Linking Expansion and Degradation Date: 01/15/2025 2:30 pm Location: 2540 GGB AND HTTPS://UMICH.ZOOM.US/J/96708317892

Thesis Defense: Haozhen Chen


Title: Modeling and Control of Roll-to-roll Winding Machine in Li-ion Battery Manufacturing Date: 01/17/2025 4:00 pm Location: HTTPS://UMICH.ZOOM.US/J/95282605567

MLK Day Keynote Lecture Watch Party

Iacocca Room (1571 GGB) 2350 Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Join us for a watch-along of the MLK Day Annual Keynote Lecture featuring Erika Alexander, a trailblazing activist and one of the country's most dynamic voices. As the co-founder of Color Farm Media, Erika is dedicated to elevating equity and inclusion in media and politics through powerful storytelling. Engage with her insights and your fellow colleagues while snacking on some delicious breakfast!

ME Seminar Series: Justin A. Weibel

2540 GGB 2350 Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Join us in-person or on Zoom for the ME Seminar Series Strategies for Enhancement of Two-Phase Immersion Cooling for High-Power AI Chips Justin A. Weibel - Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University ME Seminar Link Passcode: 845686 Abstract: Two-phase immersion cooling is promising for passive, power-dense thermal management of electronics to address the challenges associated […]

Thesis Defense: Joonyoung Yu

2540 GGB 2350 Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Title: PZT MEMS Micromirror for Wide-Field Fluorescence Imaging Date: 01/22/2025 10:00 am Location: 2540 GGB (GRAND CONFERENCE ROOM); ZOOM: HTTPS://UMICH.ZOOM.US/J/99883683282 (PASSWORD: 0123)

MEGC Presents: Hot Ones!

Blue Lounge, GG Brown (1280 GGB)

Grab a front row seat as the Department of Mechanical Engineering puts its own spin on the viral Hot Ones YouTube series! Join us to hear our panel answer candid questions about their careers, the department, secrets of GGB, and more as they are brought to tears by the Hot Ones sauces! Hot Ones sauces […]

ME Seminar Series: Allison M. Beese

2540 GGB 2350 Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Join us in-person or on Zoom for the ME Seminar Series Additive Manufacturing: Machine Learning, Mechanics, and Metallurgy Allison M. Beese - Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Mechanical Engineering; Associate Head for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging; Director, Additive Manufacturing & Design Graduate Program, Penn State University ME Seminar Link Passcode: 690323 Abstract: […]

Prospective GAME Student Alumni Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Prospective Student Alumni Info Session: Varun Chakrapani (GAME, 2021) Attend our alumni information session with our Global Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering (GAME) alumni Varun Chakrapani who will share his unique experiences from the program and his career. There will also be a Q&A portion, so have your questions ready. We look forward to seeing you […]

Prospective AUTO Student Alumni Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Prospective Student Alumni Info Session: Derin Alev (AUTO, 2023) Attend our alumni information session with our Automotive Engineering (AUTO) alumni Derin Alev who will share his unique experiences from the program and his career. There will also be a Q&A portion, so have your questions ready. We look forward to seeing you there! Register for […]

Event Series Community Office Hours

Community Office Hours


Want to learn, ask questions, or share concerns and ideas about the ME department? Come to Community Office Hours, hosted by ME’s Special Projects Manager, Susan Cheng. For 1:1 Office Hours (12 - 1 pm), please reserve a 20 minute session at this booking link. For Group Office Hours (1-2 pm), please visit this Zoom […]

Graduate Student Tax Workshop

Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Please join us for an informational workshop on taxes for graduate students presented by UM Finance on Monday, February 10th. The presentation will discuss the reporting requirements for graduate students who file federal and state individual tax returns, including quarterly estimated tax payments and multiple state returns. It will also address the taxation of scholarship and […]

Prospective AUTO Student Alumni Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Prospective Student Alumni Info Session: Brett Wolff (AUTO, 2020) Attend our alumni information session with our Automotive Engineering (AUTO) alumni Brett Wolff who will share his unique experiences from the program and his career. There will also be a Q&A portion, so have your questions ready. We look forward to seeing you there! Register for the […]