The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) is goal is to, “To generate, disseminate, and promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics.”
During their elections for new executive council members, David Dowling was elected. They released the following statement:
David R. Dowling has been elected a Member of the ASA Executive Council for a three-year term that began on 15 May 2020. He is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. He was awarded a Ph.D. by the California Institute of Technology. David’s research covers a variety of topics in acoustics and fluid mechanics, and combines experimental, theoretical, and computational techniques. He is a Fellow of the ASA and has served as a member of several committees including The Technical Committees on Acoustical Oceanography and Underwater Acoustics, Education in Acoustics, College of Fellows Steering, and Tutorials, Short Courses and Hot Topics. He served as an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America from 2003 to 2012 and is currently an Associate Editor of JASA Express Letters. David was awarded the ASA Student Council Mentor Award in 2007.
“For the past 30 years, the Acoustical Society of America has been central to my growth and development as a researcher, mentor, and collaborator. Thus, I am both honored and excited to serve on the Executive Council of this welcoming, modern, diverse, and vibrant society.”