University of Michigan mechanical engineering students forged connections between data science, mechanical engineering, and the manufacturing industry through a new course, Data Science for Manufacturing Quality Control (ME401).
University of Michigan mechanical engineering students forged connections between data science, mechanical engineering, and the manufacturing industry through a new course, Data Science for Manufacturing Quality Control (ME401).
Okwudire has received the award “for sustained commitment and significant contributions to advancing manufacturing education at the University of Michigan and nationally.”
Flexible algorithm can reduce cycle time by 38% for a 3-axis desktop CNC machine tool.
Cherian’s lecture, “Scalable Digital Fabrication of Assistive Devices in Resource Constrained Ecosystems,” explored today’s manufacturing challenges and how flexible processes can help to address the needs of low-income and rural communities across the world.
$3M partnership seeks to enable on-demand local manufacturing of next-generation respirators
Chinedum Okwudire, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Miller Faculty Scholar, was selected to serve on a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) ad-hoc committee formed to develop options for a national plan for smart manufacturing technology development and deployment.
Dr. Cao’s lecture, titled “Bring Flexibility and Innovation to Manufacturing Processes,” focused on how to integrate fundamental process mechanics, process control, and techniques, including machine learning, to achieve effective and efficient predictions of a material’s mechanical behavior during manufacturing processes.
The Miller Faculty Scholarship, endowed by Engineering alumnus Leonard G. Miller, is an honorary title awarded to the most accomplished assistant and associate professors in the College of Engineering.
The National Association of Manufacturers’ Manufacturing Leadership Council awarded UM-ME Associate Professor Kira Barton’s Research Group a Manufacturing Leadership Award in the Council’s Collaborative Ecosystems category.
ME associate professors Kira Barton and Chinedum Okwudire have been identified by SME – a professional organization dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and resources that generate solutions to manufacturing industry challenges – as two of the 25 leaders transforming manufacturing.