CubeSat was created to provide Michigan students, faculty, staff, and alumni 100 years in the future a diverse perspective of the world in 2017 through stories told by the Michigan community.
CubeSat was created to provide Michigan students, faculty, staff, and alumni 100 years in the future a diverse perspective of the world in 2017 through stories told by the Michigan community.
Saitou is recognized for contributions in computational assembly and disassembly design of mechanical products.
The ASME Committee of Past Presidents confers the Fellow grade of membership on worthy candidates to recognize their outstanding engineering achievements.
The ME department is pleased to welcome Jesse Austin-Breneman and Shanna Daly, who will be joining the faculty as assistant professors
This is a prestigious award for outstanding PhD thesis given by ETH Zurich, reserved for the top dissertations
Improved minimally invasive surgery technology developed by Precision Systems Design Lab wins 34th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference
The lecture will be held on Monday, March 29 at 4:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies Building
ME graduate student Marc Henry de Frahan, lead author of the paper, began conducting this research as a summer student with LLNL’s NIF and Photon Science Directorate
The recipients were Emrah Bayrak, Max Yi Ren (ME Alumnus), Alex Burnap, Jeffrey Hartley, Yanxin Pan, and Prof. Panos Papalambros
The Leonardo Da Vinci Award is to recognize eminent achievement in the design or invention of a product which is universally recognized as an important advance in machine design