Assistant Professor Daniel Cooper is the recipient of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award. This award recognizes manufacturing engineers who have made exceptional contributions and accomplishments in the manufacturing industry. Professor Cooper leads the Resourceful Manufacturing and Design Lab (ReMaDe) at U-M Mechanical Engineering.
ReMaDe works at the nexus between Industrial Ecology (IE) and Mechanical Engineering (ME): we use IE methodologies such as material flow analyses and life cycle assessment to identify opportunities and quantify impacts, and then pursue an experimental and mechanistic modeling approach to generate the scientific knowledge underlying those opportunities. ReMaDe spans whole industry analysis (e.g., identifying material efficiency opportunities from analyzing the global flow of steel), factory level analysis (e.g., opportunities to reduce carbon emissions from car assembly plants and carbon nanotube production facilities), and process-level analysis and design (e.g., metal forming and developing experiments in order to understand solid-state welding).
Nominees can be selected by the SME’s International Awards & Recognition Committee based on a single outstanding accomplishment, such as technical publications, patents, academic or industry leadership, or for several significant accomplishments in one or more areas of activity. The impact of these accomplishments should be recognized beyond the nominee’s own institution or company.