The Mechanical Engineering Department honored eight undergraduate students with the Robert Caddell Memorial Scholarship, the R & B Machine Tool Company Scholarship, the Lloyd H. Donnell Scholarship and the Mechanical Engineering Department Spirit Award. See the award recipients below.
William Chen
Chen received the Robert Caddell Memorial Scholarship — an award given to upperclassmen that are studying materials or manufacturing. He is currently doing research in the organic electronics field and studying the effects of various morphologies on charge transport in photovoltaic cells. His graduate advisors are Olga Shalev and Shaurjo Biswas.
Ziqi Zhu
Zhu received the R & B Machine Tool Company Scholarship — an award given to upperclassmen with outstanding GPAs that are studying materials or manufacturing. He is currently conducting research on a ground robot project with Prof. Gabor Orosz in the OGRE team.
Max Olender
Olender received the Lloyd H. Donnell Scholarship — an award given to students who demonstrate prowess in the area of engineering mechanics through academic excellence in solid mechanics, dynamics and fluid mechanics. After graduating in winter of 2015, he plans to earn a Masters Degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Michigan.
Nicholas Montes
Montes also received the Robert Caddell Memorial Scholarship. He is a member of the University of Michigan’s Industrial Assessment Center where he helps conduct energy audits of local manufacturing companies.
Haipei Zhu
Zhu was also a recipient of the R & B Machine Tool Company Scholarship. Upon graduation in the winter of 2014, Zhu will look for full time work as well as apply to graduate school. He is currently doing research with Professor Shih on temperate distribution in turning manufacturing processes.
Christopher Coyne
Coyne was also awarded the R & B Machine Tool Company Scholarship. He works with Professor Allen Liu and is attempting to develop tools and platforms for using lipid bilayer vesicles containing protein parts that would mimic the function of natural platelets.
Brian Keyt
Keyt is another recipient of the R & B Machine Tool Company Scholarship. Upon graduation in December 2013, he plans on breaking into the wind turbine industry in Germany. He said graduate school isn’t out of the question either.
Zachary Hwang
Hwang received the Mechanical Engineering Department Spirit Award — an honor given to a senior who has demonstrated strong leadership and interpersonal skills. After graduating next month, Hwang will be pursuing a Masters Degree in Entrepreneurship at the University.