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Gaurav Parmar and Siddharth Sood receive NIST-ARRA Graduate Fellowship


Gaurav Parmar   Siddharth Sood

Gaurav Parmar (left), Siddharth Sood (right)

Gaurav Parmar and Siddharth Sood, Ph.D. Pre-Candidates from ME Assistant Professor Shorya Awtar’s Precision Systems Design Lab, received the National Institute for Standards and Technology’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (NIST-ARRA) Measurement Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship in February this year.

As part of this fellowship, Gaurav Parmar will get the opportunity to collaborate with Dr. John Kramar of the Precision Engineering Division at NIST to develop large range nanopositioning capability that would enable Large-range Coordinate Measuring Machines with nanometric uncertainty (nano-CMM). Prior to coming to the University of Michigan, Gaurav received his B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

Siddharth Sood will work with the Intelligent Systems Division at NIST, under the supervision of Dr. Jason Gorman, to create and validate High-speed Scanning Probe Microscopy and Lithography. Siddharth received his B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.

The graduate research work of both these students will involve flexure mechanisms, macro-scale and MEMS actuators, feedback controls, and instrumentation.

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