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ME assistant professor delivers talk for Michigan Engineering’s DEI Lecture Series


On Wednesday, October 19th, James Holly, Jr., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, delivered his lecture, “Truth Be Told, DEI Needs to D-I-E,” as part of Michigan Engineering’s DEI Lecture Series, which is hosted by the Office for Culture, Community and Equity. 

“In the field of engineering, the rhetoric regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion has operated to advance progress without changing underlying factors that continue to perpetuate inequities within engineering,” Professor Holly, Jr. said. During this lecture, he discussed issues within engineering, including “content, culture and consequences that prevent Black people from being recognized as humans.”

Read more about the lecture and the strategies that Professor Holly, Jr. presented on, like how to become more educated on socio political power and how we can take a holistic approach to making racial equity a reality in engineering, at the Michigan Daily, where Maleny Crespo wrote a piece titled, “Engineering professor discusses racism in engineering, issues with DEI rhetoric.”

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