Tim Manganello and BorgWarner Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Ellen Arruda, has been awarded the 2019 ASME Nadai Medal. The Nadai Medal is awarded in recognition of significant contributions and outstanding achievements which broaden the field of materials engineering in areas such as education, research, development, and service to the field and profession. Established in 1975 on the proposal of the Materials Division to honor Arpad L. Nadai, who was a pioneer in the field of engineering materials, the Nadai Medal now lives on to honor those who are their own pioneers.
Arruda is also a Maria Comninou Collegiate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, a professor of biomedical engineering, macromolecular science, and engineering. Her research focuses on the mechanical behavior of materials including polymers, elastomers, and soft tissue. One of her more recent projects has been with a football helmet design that aims to reduce a key contributor to brain injury. Arruda holds a position as a member of the National Academy of Engineering and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics, Society of Engineering Science, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Congratulations to Ellen on this great honor, if you would like to know more on the Nadai Medal, please click here.