The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) have announced the winners of the 2011 IJRM Best Paper Award: Jeremy J. Michalek, Peter Ebbes, Feray Adigüzel, Fred M. Feinberg, and ME Professor Panos Y. Papalambros for their paper Enhancing marketing with engineering: Optimal product line design for heterogeneous markets. IJRM, Vol 28 (1), pp 1-12.
The winning article was chosen from two rounds of voting open to all the members of the IJRM Editorial Board. In the first round, each voter could nominate up to three papers that were published in IJRM in 2011. Four papers received the most nominations and they composed the shortlist. In the second/final round, the Board Members voted for one paper from the shortlist. The winning paper is the one with the most votes.