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Research in biomarkers published in Blood Journal


Research in biomarkers published in Blood JournalGeorge A. Calin at UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, published an article in Blood Journal talking about the importance of quicker and digital biomarker diagnostics. Within this article, he touches greatly on the research done by U-M mechanical engineering professor, Katsuo Kurabayashi, and his team, and their biomarker diagnostic device “PEdELISA.”

“The research behind (it) is solid, wise, and simple,” says Calin in the article referring to Kurabayashi’s device. He goes on to explain why this research is important as it can help with patients who experience septic shock, trypes of cytokine release syndrome (CRS), and other critical needs where results are needed fast. Currently, the test needed to confirm such issues can take hours or even days. With PEdELISA, it can produce results within 30 minutes, saving valuable time. 

To read the full article on this topic click here.

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