August 21-22, 2003
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
The workshop is aimed to provide an opportunity to exchange research interests between the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the University of Michigan (UM) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The two-day conference will consist of technical presentations by the faculty members, research scientists, and graduates students of KAIST and UM in the following four areas:
Design and Manufacturing
Agenda ( )
Session Chair (KAIST): Choong Don Yoo
Session Chair (UM): Suman Das
Dynamics, Systems, and Controls
Agenda ( )
Session Chair (KAIST): Pyung-Hun Chang
Session Chair (UM): Jonathan Luntz
Materials and Solid Mechanics / MEMS / Bio
Agenda ( )
Session Chair (KAIST): Seyoung Im
Session Chair (UM): Krishna Garikipati
Thermal and Fluid Sciences
Agenda ( )
Session Chair (KAIST): Sangkwon Jeong
Session Chair (UM): Hong Im
Details of the technical program, laboratory tours, and group discussion for each group will be organized by the session chair.
The workshop is supported by the International Collaboration Program between KAIST and UM under the auspices of the Institute of BK21 in Mechanical Engineering sponsored by the Korea Ministry of Education.
Tentative Schedule
View Complete Itinerary ( )
August 20: Automotive Industry Laboratories Tour (to be determined)
August 21-22: Technical Workshop at the University of Michigan
Important Dates
August 4: Submission of the title, authors, and one-paragraph abstract to the session chairs
August 11: Submission of the final paper to the session chairs in one of the following formats:
1. Extended abstract (4-6 pages)
2. Presentation material (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint file)
Workshop Organizers
Yong-Taek Im (KAIST)
[email protected]
82-42-869-3227 (O)
82-42-869-3210 (Fax)
Hong G. Im (UM)
[email protected]
1-734-615-5152 (O)
1-734-647-3170 (Fax)