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Graduate Student Tax Workshop

Hybrid Hybrid Event

Please join us for an informational workshop on taxes for graduate students presented by UM Finance on Monday, February 10th. The presentation will discuss the reporting requirements for graduate students who […]

Prospective AUTO Student Alumni Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Prospective Student Alumni Info Session: Brett Wolff (AUTO, 2020) Attend our alumni information session with our Automotive Engineering (AUTO) alumni Brett Wolff who will share his unique experiences from the program […]

SMART Manufacturing Seminar Series: Dr. Alex Plotowski

2540 GGB 2350 Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Integrated Smart Manufacturing Tools for Additive Manufacturing Abstract Metal additive manufacturing (AM) provides exciting opportunities to process materials with complex geometries and novel microstructures. However, this complexity also creates challenges […]

Michigan Engineering Online: Automotive Engineering Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Michigan Engineering Online is holding an Information Session on Thursday, 2/27/25, at 5:00 PM EST to discuss the Automotive Engineering graduate degree. Our Program Director, Miki Banu, and Graduate Coordinator, Kathy Bishar […]

Prospective AUTO Student Alumni Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Prospective Student Alumni Info Session: Danielle Bekas (AUTO, 2024) Attend our alumni information session with our Automotive Engineering (AUTO) alumni Danielle Bekas who will share her unique experiences from the […]

Prospective AUTO Student Alumni Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Prospective Student Alumni Info Session: Will Stann (Auto, 2023) Attend our alumni information session with our Automotive Engineering (AUTO) alumni Will Stann who will share his unique experiences from the […]

Michigan Engineering Online: Manufacturing Webinar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Michigan Engineering Online is holding an Information Session on Tuesday, 3/11/25, at 5:00 PM EST to discuss the Manufacturing graduate degree. Our Program Director, Miki Banu, and Graduate Coordinators, Brandyn Jordan […]