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Solomon Adera
Solomon AderaAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Adera earned his Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. He was a postdoctoral associate at the Harvard University before moving to the University of Michigan. His research interests include heat and mass transfer, phase-change (evaporation, condensation, freezing), water/fog harvesting, micro/nanoengineering, and fluid-structure interactions.
Alauddin Ahmed
Alauddin AhmedAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Applications: Energy storage (e.g., hydrogen, thermal, natural gas), battery (e.g., electrolytes, manufacturing); Materials: Nanoporous materials (e.g., metal organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks), metal oxides, metal hydrides, energetic materials, small molecules, nanoporous composites; Methods: Applied machine learning & AI, Ab initio & density functional theory (DFT), Monte Carlo & molecular dynamics, high-throughput computing, materials by design; Developments: Methods for interpretable machine learning, algorithm for predicting thermophysical properties of chemical compounds.
Rayhaneh Akhavan
Rayhaneh AkhavanAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Fluid mechanics with emphasis on turbulence physics, turbulence modeling and turbulence control; high fidelity computations and reduced-order modeling of complex turbulent flows involving multi phases, fluid-structure interactions and viscoelastic effects; biomimetic and bio-inspired concepts for flow control and drag reduction; lattice Boltzmann, pseudo-spectral and stochastic methods; high performance computing. Applications in energy, environment, aerospace and naval disciplines.
Mitra Aliabouzar
Mitra AliabouzarAssistant Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering
Research Assistant Professor, Radiology
[email protected]Research Interests: Cavitation enabled therapy, Mechanics of soft and bio-materials, High speed rheometry, 3D bioprinting
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John AllisonProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
William F. Hosford Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Understanding the inter-relationships between processing, alloying, microstructure and properties in metallic materials – and in incorporating this knowledge into computational tools for use in research, education and engineering.
Ellen Arruda
Ellen ArrudaTim Manganello/BorgWarner Department Chair, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Professor, Program in Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Maria Comninou Collegiate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Mechanical behavior of materials including polymers, elastomers and soft tissue; tissue engineering of tendon and muscle constructs; constitutive modeling of growth, remodeling and functional adaptation in soft tissue; deformation mechanisms in polymers; crystal transformation mechanisms in semi-crystalline polymers; split Hopkinson pressure bar testing of polymers and elastomers for high strain rate applications including crashworthiness in automotive applications.
James Ashton-Miller
James Ashton-MillerResearch Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Albert Schultz Collegiate Research Professor & Distinguished Research Scientist
Associate Vice President - Research Policy and Compliance, OVPR
Director, Biomechanics Research Laboratory
[email protected]Research Interests: Biomechanics including mobility impairments in the elderly; trips, slips, and falls; elderly decision-making and risk-taking in physical tasks; birth related injury; female stress urinary incontinence; spine biomechanics; athletic injuries; occupant vehicular safety.
Shorya Awtar
Shorya AwtarProfessor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Mechanical design, precision engineering, human-centric design, mechatronic systems, and robotics. Specific research and development topics include constraint-based design, parallel kinematics, flexure mechanisms, dynamics of flexible systems, electromagnetic actuators, medical devices for minimally invasive surgery, precision motion stages for semiconductor metrology, motion sickness mitigation in autonomous vehicles, rehab robotics, modular prostheses, and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS).
Rohini Bala Chandran
Rohini Bala ChandranAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Thermal and fluid sciences, multiscale computational model development, radiative heat transfer, optics, chemical kinetics of heterogeneous reactions, electrochemical engineering, semiconductor physics
Mihaela Banu
Mihaela BanuProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
OVPR Collegiate Research Professor
ISD Faculty Director
[email protected]Research Interests: The research focuses on lightweight materials, with emphasis on developing micro- and nanocellulose composites, natural fiber composites and associated manufacturing processes for automotive and aerospace applications, multi-scale modeling of materials and simulation of forming processes, manufacturing of personalized dental ligaplants.
James Barber
James BarberProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Jon R. & Beverly S. Holt Professor, College of Engineering
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Solid mechanics including thermoelasticity; elasticity; solidification; contact mechanics; tribology; elastodynamics, fracture; stability of thermoelastic contact; friction, contact of rough surfaces.
Kira Barton
Kira BartonProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Robotics
Miller Faculty Scholar
[email protected]Research Interests: Control theory and applications; iterative learning control; multi-agent systems; human/robot collaborations; smart manufacturing; manufacturing robotics; high-performance micro/nano-scale printing for electrical and biomedical applications
Michael Bernitsas
Michael BernitsasProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Mortimer E Cooley Collegiate Professor, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Current Energy Conversion; Enhancement of High-Damping, High-Reynolds Vortex Induced Vibration; Suppression of Vortex Induced Vibration; Mooring System Dynamics; Structural Redesign and Topology/Material Evolution; Riser and Pipeline Mechanics
Andre Boehman
Andre BoehmanProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Vennema Professor of Engineering
Director, W.E. Lay Automotive Laboratory
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Automotive engineering, energy and thermal sciences including: fuel production and formulation, alternative fuels, diesel combustion, spark ignition combustion, autoignition, spray behavior, particulate emissions, NOx emissions, emissions control, thermodynamics of energy conversion systems.
Claus Borgnakke
Claus BorgnakkeAssociate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Combustion and turbulence modeling; engine combustion; pollutant formation; thermodynamic properties; diesel engine combustion; natural gas operation of diesels; compressible turbulence models; metal hydride heat pumps and hydrogen storage; refrigerant properties.
Diann Brei
Diann BreiProfessor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Design; smart materials and structures; sensor and actuator design; structural dynamics; vibration and noise control; mechatronics, smart mechanisms
Daniel Bruder
Daniel BruderAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Design, modeling, and control of soft and other non-traditional robotic systems with the goal of actualizing robots that are capable of safely assisting humans in real-world unstructured environments.
Ashley Bucsek
Ashley BucsekAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Mechanical behavior of materials; micromechanical modeling; in situ/in operando characterization including X-ray imaging and diffraction; functional materials; lightweight structural metals; shape memory alloys; phase transformations; energy conversion
Jesse Capecelatro
Jesse CapecelatroAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Fluid mechanics, with an emphasis on multiphase flow, turbulence, reacting flows, and high-performance computing. Applications include renewable energy, disease transmission, and space exploration.
Steve Ceccio
Steve CeccioProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Vincent T and Gloria M Gorguze Professor of Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Fluid mechanics with emphasis on experimental methods, multiphase flows, high Reynolds number flows, cavitation and bubbly flows, optical flow measurement methods, electrical and radiation based tomography.
Erin Cech
Erin CechAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Sociology
[email protected]Research Interests: Gender and Sexuality; Inequalities and Stratification; Sociology of Culture; Theory, Knowledge, and Science; Work, Economy, and Organizations; Mixed Methods; Sociology; Administration
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Michael ChenProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Heat transfer and fluid mechanics, including fundamentals and manufacturing applications; buoyant and thermocapillary convection; multiphase flows; asymptotic, computational, and experimental methods; alloy solidification theory; laser processing; welding; spray forming; spray coating.
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David ColeAssociate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical EngineeringResearch Interests: Strategic issues related to the restructuring of the North American industry and trends in globalization, technology, market factors, and human resource requirements.
Maria Comninou
Maria ComninouProfessor Emerita, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Professor Emerita, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Elasticity; elastodynamics; fracture mechanics; dislocations; fatigue.
Daniel Cooper
Daniel CooperAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Integrative Systems and Design
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: My research, which focuses on making impactful contributions to the areas of manufacturing and sustainability, considers multiple scales: identifying significant opportunities to cut emissions and/or costs by conducting large scale analyses on processes, factories and material supply chains, and pursuing a rigorous technical analysis in order to capitalize on the opportunities.
Shanna Daly
Shanna DalyAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Miller Faculty Scholar
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Front-end design processes; idea generation; engineering creativity and divergent thinking; design cognition; socially-engaged design; socio-technical engineering skillsets; design ethnography; design problem finding and framing; design prototyping; design education
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Sambit DasAssistant Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]
Neil Dasgupta
Neil DasguptaAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Miller Faculty Scholar
[email protected]Research Interests: Renewable energy and energy storage; Batteries; Solar Energy; Catalysis; Nanomanufacturing; Atomic layer deposition; Bio-inspired materials; High-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy of nanomaterials; In situ/operando electrochemistry; Energy policy and economics
Cheri Deng
Cheri DengProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Research and development in the field of biomedical ultrasound; understanding of the processes and mechanism involved in ultrasound interaction with biological systems for the purpose of developing efficient techniques for diagnosis and treatment of human diseases; ultrasound mediated drug and gene delivery for cancer treatment and gene therapy, high intensity focus ultrasound ablation of cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, as well as quantitative ultrasound imaging for improved pancreatic cancer detection.
Pingsha Dong
Pingsha DongProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Director, Welded Structures Laboratory
[email protected]Research Interests: (1) High-speed method for directly joining plastics directly to metals for manufacture of multi-materials lightweight structures; (2) solid-state rapid deposition technique for additive manufacture of bimetal components without introducing detrimental intermetallic compounds; (3) Fracture mechanics modeling of randomly distributed defects in additively-manufactured metal components; (4) smart modular design for manufacturing and assembly methods for advanced lightweight marine structures.
David Dowling
David DowlingProfessor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Underwater acoustics, hydrodynamics, hydro-acoustics, structural acoustics
Karthik Duraisamy
Karthik DuraisamyProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Aerospace Engineering
Associate Director of Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering (MICDE)
[email protected]Research Interests: Computational Science and Engineering, Aerodynamics, High-Speed Flows, Turbulence modeling and simulation, Vortical Flows, Uncertainty Quantification, High-Performance Computing, Rotorcraft Aeromechanics, Adjoint-based methods, Optimization
Paolo Elvati
Paolo ElvatiAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Nanoparticle formations and interactions using computational tools (Molecular Dynamics, Machine Learning, Stochastic Solvers), with particular emphasis on biological systems, non-thermal plasma and reactive gas-phase conditions. Applications include drug transport, bacterial biofilms control, combustion, ultra-soft materials, and low temperature plasma.
Bogdan Epureanu
Bogdan EpureanuProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Roger L. McCarthy Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Director, Automotive Research Center
[email protected]Research Interests: Research focuses on biological and epidemiological systems, aerospace and automotive structures, and turbomachinery. Examples include creating novel mechano-chemical dynamic models of nanoscale intracellular transport processes, developing the next generation of highly-sensitive diagnosis and monitoring techniques, discovering novel methods for forecasting tipping points in complex systems such as disease epidemics and ecological systems, developing innovative reduced order models of multi-physics systems such as Li-ion batteries and complex structures, creating advanced system identification and control methodologies for smart structures and fluid-structural systems. These blend novel methods and theory with fundamental experiments in linear and nonlinear dynamics from macro to nano-scale.
Martin Erinin
Martin ErininAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Experimental fluid mechanics with broad interests in multiphase flows, free-surface flows, surfactant dominated flows, and development of optical measurement techniques for thermos-fluids. Specific problems of interests include ocean waves, air-sea interaction, transport of particles by ocean waves, wave-wave interaction, accretion of ice on marine structures, interaction of waves with ice sheets. This research typically has environmental, naval, and/or industrial applications. (Looking to recruit graduate students for the Fall 2025)
Tulga Ersal
Tulga ErsalAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles; human-autonomy interactions
Jon Estrada
Jon EstradaAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Experimental mechanics of soft and bio-materials, material characterization including high speed rheometry, magnetic resonance, and inverse techniques, inertial cavitation dynamics, photoacoustic and laser microscopy, cell mechanics, image processing techniques, digital image and volume correlation
Yue Fan
Yue FanAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Defects behaviors and microstructural evolution in structure materials, deformation mechanisms and mechanical properties of amorphous solids, long time scale atomistic simulation
Nima Fazeli
Nima FazeliProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Robotics
[email protected]Research Interests: Robotic Manipulation, Physical Interaction and Contact, Robot Learning and Control, State-Estimation
Evgueni Filipov
Evgueni FilipovAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: My research interests lie in the field of deployable and reconfigurable structural systems. Folding and adaptable structures based on the principles of origami can have practical applications ranging in scale and discipline from biomedical robotics to deployable architecture.
David Fleming
David FlemingLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]
Theodor Freiheit
Theodor FreiheitResearch Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Manufacturing systems engineering. Design of manufacturing and service systems. Reliability and productivity. Markov chain models, including the application of predictive control. Interaction between manufacturing process parameters and failure modes. Product quality. The influence of production system approaches across industries. Applications of controls to manufacturing systems. Design theory and methodology. Product development. New product design. Design of machine components and systems. The influence of designer personality and environment on design outcomes. Engineering Management - with a particular interest in product development. Lean product design. Interaction of business, product, and process in engineering systems. Products design for flexible manufacturing systems.
Nicole Friedberg
Nicole FriedbergLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]
Jianping Fu
Jianping FuProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Stem Cell Bioengineering, Developmental Bioengineering, Mechanobiology, and BioMEMS
Miguel Funes Lora
Miguel Funes LoraResearch Investigator, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Robotics, Manufacturing, and Medical device implementation.
Vikram Gavini
Vikram GaviniProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Developing algorithms and computational frameworks for large-scale ab-initio calculations to understand materials properties; HPC aspects of electronic structure calculations; Electronic structure studies on defects in solids; Multi-scale modeling; Analysis of approximation theories
Yogesh Gianchandani
Yogesh GianchandaniProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
[email protected]
Brent Gillespie
Brent GillespieProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Robotics
[email protected]Research Interests: Haptic interface and robotics
Steven Goldstein
Steven GoldsteinProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Biomedical Engineering
Henry Ruppenthal Family Professor Emeritus, Orthopaedic Surgery and Bioengineering
[email protected]
Jerard Gordon
Jerard GordonAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Process-structure-property relationships of advanced materials; metal additive manufacturing; in-situ property evaluation; experimental and computational mechanics; materials discovery; design and manufacturing.
Nakhiah Goulbourne
Nakhiah GoulbourneAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
[email protected]
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William GraebelProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Fluid mechanics, including computational fluid dynamics, heat pumps, thermoelectrics, computer modeling.
Robert Gregg
Robert GreggAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Robotics
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Director for Graduate Education, Michigan Robotics
Director, Locomotor Control Systems Laboratory
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Wearable Robots, Legged Robots, Prosthetics & Orthotics, Bipedal Locomotion, Nonlinear Control Theory, Rehabilitation Engineering
Karl Grosh
Karl GroshProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
ME Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Lead
Professor, Biomedical Engineering Department
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Cochlear mechanics and hearing; acoustic and vibrational transducers; prosthetics and sensors for biomedical applications; MEMS; distributed, active metamaterials; mechanics and computational mechanics; structural acoustics.
Jay Guo
Jay GuoProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor, Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Professor, Applied Physics
[email protected]Research Interests: Polymer-based photonic sensors and photoacoustics, organic and hybrid photovoltaics and photodetectors, flexible transparent conductors, nanophotonics & structural colors, nanomanufacturing technologies and applications
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Robert HessProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Dynamics and control systems, biomechanics of humans.
John Hoard
John HoardAssociate Research Scientist Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
James Holly, Jr.
James Holly, Jr.Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: My research is interdisciplinary, using scholarship in education, engineering, and Black studies, I study methods of counteracting anti-Black racism within mechanical engineering study and practice. Specific topics include: Black-centered design, pre-college engineering instruction, eco-centric materials and decision-making, sociotransformative engineering.
Jingwen Hu
Jingwen HuResearch Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research Professor, UMTRI
[email protected]Research Interests: Impact/Injury Biomechanics: Parametric Human Modeling, Statistical Injury Data Analysis, Cadaver/Volunteer/Dummy Testing - Occupant Protection: Safety equity among diverse populations, Restraint Design Optimization, Rear Seat Occupants, Oblique Impacts, Adaptive Restraint Design, Active and Passive Safety Integration, Tactical Vehicle Safety, Vulnerable Populations, Automated Vehicles, Child Seat Design, Rollover Crashes - Others: Pediatric Fall and Child Abuse, Seat Comfort, Computer Aided Surgery
S. Jack Hu
S. Jack HuProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Industrial and Operations Engineering
J. Reid and Polly Anderson Professor Emeritus of Manufacturing
Research Interests: Manufacturing systems: configuration design, performance analysis (quality, productivity and responsiveness), mass customization. Assembly and materials joining: Assembly system design, variation propagation analysis, joint design, joining/welding methods Sheet Metal forming: stamping, hydroforming Engineering statistics: statistical process control and monitoring, robust design
Xun (Ryan) Huan
Xun (Ryan) HuanAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Uncertainty quantification, data-driven modeling, numerical optimization, optimal experimental design, Bayesian analysis, machine learning
Greg Hulbert
Greg HulbertProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]
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Hugh HuntleyAssociate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]
Art Hyde
Art HydeAssociate Professor of Engineering Practice, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]
Uduak Inyang-Udoh
Uduak Inyang-UdohAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Control theory, graph theory and physics-guided machine learning with application in data-rich advanced manufacturing, thermal and energy storage systems.
Eric Johnsen
Eric JohnsenProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Director, PhD Program in Scientific Computing
[email protected]Research Interests: Fluid mechanics, with an emphasis on multiphase flow, cavitation and bubble dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, high-speed flow and shock waves, turbulence and mixing, interfacial instabilities, plasmas, and high-performance computing. Applications include biomedical engineering, energy, aeronautics, turbomachinery, naval engineering and high-energy density physics.
Elijah Kannatey-Asibu Jr.
Elijah Kannatey-Asibu Jr.Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Multi-sensor monitoring of manufacturing processes, specifically machining, welding, and laser processing; multiple-beam laser processing.
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Bikash KanungoAssistant Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]
Massoud Kaviany
Massoud KavianyProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Applied Physics
[email protected]Research Interests: Heat Transfer Physics: efficient and innovative energy transport and conversion (transformation) through atomic tailoring of the principal energy carriers (phonon, electron, fluid particle, and photon). Current energy-related projects include thermoelectricity, phonoelectricity, thermal switch, and multidimensional wicks for record conductance and heat flux.
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Noboru KikuchiProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Roger L. McCarthy Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Computational mechanics including mechanics of composite materials, structural design optimization, analysis of material processing; development of computational methods for composite mechanics using the homogenization method; topology and shape optimization of elastic structures; development of adaptive remesh methods for simulation of metal forming processes.
Brian Kish
Brian KishLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Lecturer for ME 211, ME 360, ME 450, ME 461.
Jeffrey Koller
Jeffrey KollerLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Lecturer with a focus in teaching dynamics and controls.
Yoram Koren
Yoram KorenProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
James J. Duderstadt Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering
Paul G. Goebel Professor Emeritus of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Reconfigurable manufacturing systems; global manufacturing; flexible automation; sensing and controls of machining processes; generation of complex surfaces in CNC; adaptive control of machine-tools, autonomous mobile robots, snake robot.
Sridhar Kota
Sridhar KotaProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Herrick Professor Emeritus of Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Bio-inspired engineering design - soft robots, complaint and shape-adaptive systems; Topology, size and shape optimization of complaint mechanisms - product design for no-assembly; Design for manufacturability; Technology policy and advanced manufacturing.
Julia Kramer
Julia KramerAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Design theory & methodology, collaborative engagement in engineering design, design for health applications, front-end medical device design processes, global public health, engineering design education
Grant Kruger
Grant KrugerAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Biomedical design and manufacturing; Digital health; Wearable technology; Intelligent systems; Robotics
Katsuo Kurabayashi
Katsuo KurabayashiProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
[email protected]Research Interests: Biosensors, Biomedical Microelectromechanical Systems (BioMEMS), Optofluidics, Lab on a Chip
David Kwabi
David KwabiAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Electrochemistry, grid energy storage, CO2 capture, organic batteries, desalination, solid-state batteries
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Edward LadyProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Thermal sciences, power systems, cryogenics, boiling heat transfer, superconducting power transmission.
Ronald Larson
Ronald LarsonProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Professor, Macromolecular Science & Engineering
George Granger Brown Professor of Chemical Engineering
A H White Distinguished University Professor of Chemical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Complex fluids, polymers, fluid mechanics, surfactants, biomolecules, transport theory, rheology, instabilities, constitutive theory.
Xiaogan Liang
Xiaogan LiangProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Advanced Nanofabrication, Nanomanufacturing, and Microsystem Technologies, and Their Applications in Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Integrated Biosensing Systems, and Airborne Sensing Systems Based on Microdrones.
Allen Liu
Allen LiuProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Professor, Biophysics
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Mechanobiology and mechanotransduction, bottom-up synthetic biology, quantitative cell biology
Henry Liu
Henry LiuProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Prof. Liu conducts interdisciplinary research at the interface between Transportation Engineering, Automotive Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence, with a focus on cyber-physical transportation systems. Specifically, his scholarly interests concern traffic flow monitoring, modeling, and control, testing and evaluation of connected and automated vehicles, and cooperative automated driving.
Wei Lu
Wei LuProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
ME Associate Chair for Facilities and Planning
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Energy storage and electrochemistry; simulation of nano/microstructure evolution; mechanics in nano/micro systems; advanced manufacturing; mechanical properties and performance of advanced materials and relation to microstructures.
Jon Luntz
Jon LuntzLecturer III, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Mechamatronic system design methodology; smart materials and structures
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Zheng-Dong MaResearch Scientist Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Computational mechanics including flexible multibody dynamics, structural optimization, structural dynamics and structural acoustics; development of numerical tools for the evaluation and analysis of rattle noise.
Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan MaheshProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Richard B. Couch Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Director Center for Naval Research and Education
[email protected]Research Interests: High-fidelity simulation of complex, multi-physics, turbulent flows relevant to several applications including: marine propulsors, multiphase flows, cavitation, hydroacoustics, superhydrophobic surfaces, biofouling, fluid/structure interaction, flow stability, and moving-body flows.
Edgar Meyhofer
Edgar MeyhoferProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Nanotechnology, bionanotechnology, cellular and molecular biomechanics
Tian Mi
Tian MiLEO Lecturer III, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]
Robert Middleton
Robert MiddletonAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Combustion, focusing primarily on automotive engines. Simulations of spark ignited and advanced autoignition combustion modes using 1D models and 3D CFD including large scale parallel simulations. Impact of fuel properties and kinetics on engine efficiency and emissions.
Amit Misra
Amit MisraProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering
Department Chair, Materials Science & Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Nano mechanics, electron microscopy, laser processed metallic alloys, metallic thin films
Talia Moore
Talia MooreAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor, Robotics
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Dynamics of terrestrial locomotion, arrhythmic and transient locomotion, bio-inspired design, bio-inspired robotics, soft robotics, animal-robot interaction
Sungmin Nam
Sungmin NamAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Mechanobiology, Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Medical devices, Mechanotherapy
Jun Ni
Jun NiProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Shien-Ming (Sam) Wu Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Manufacturing Science
[email protected]Research Interests: Intelligent Maintenance of Large Industrial Systems; Optimization of Manufacturing Operations; Manufacturing Process Modeling, Analysis and Design; Precision Engineering and Metrology; Quality Control Methods.
Lauro Ojeda
Lauro OjedaResearch Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Inertial sensing, sensor data fusion, Kalman filtering, localization, biomechanics, and human gait analysis
Chinedum Okwudire
Chinedum OkwudireProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Integrative Systems and Design
Miller Faculty Scholar
[email protected]Research Interests: Manufacturing Automation: with key applications in additive manufacturing (or 3-D printing), nano-positioning, machining, distributed manufacturing, and smart manufacturing systems
Kenn Oldham
Kenn OldhamProfessor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Micro-mechatronic systems for endoscopic imaging; micro-robotic systems for manipulation and autonomous locomotion; identification of physiological feedback systems using novel sensing technologies; modeling, system identification, and state estimation for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
Gabor Orosz
Gabor OroszProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Nonlinear dynamics and control, time delay systems, connected and automated vehicles, traffic flow
Jwo Pan
Jwo PanProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Fracture and failure of materials, fatigue testing and modeling, constitutive laws for porous and pressure-sensitive materials, sheet metal forming, crankshaft fillet rolling and residual stresses, rolling modeling and fatigue, modeling/testing of fusion welds, solid state welds and mechanical joints, modeling/testing of deformation behavior of lithium-ion battery
Panos Papalambros
Panos PapalambrosProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
James B. Angell Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Donald C. Graham Professor Emeritus of Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Integrative Systems and Design
Professor Emeritus, Art and Design
Professor Emeritus, Architecture
[email protected]Research Interests: Design optimization; large scale system synthesis; automotive systems design, including hybrid vehicles; eco-design; product design.
Young Geun Park
Young Geun ParkAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Optofluidics; Functional Nanomaterials; Bioinspired Active Optical System; Solar Optics Based Active Panel for Energy Harvesting and Storage: Integrated Molecular Detection System
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Donald PattersonProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical EngineeringResearch Interests: Internal combustion engines, emissions.
Noel Perkins
Noel PerkinsProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Donald T. Greenwood Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Dynamics including vibration and stability, nonlinear dynamics, experimental methods. Applications to nonlinear dynamics of elastic cables, nonlinear fluid-structure interaction, DNA supercoiling, sports engineering, MEMS inertial sensor applications, vehicle systems, axially moving materials.
Marc Perlin
Marc PerlinProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Nonlinear water-wave dynamics, contact-line dynamics, drag-reduction technologies, and coastal engineering.
Kevin Pipe
Kevin PipeProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Applied Physics Program
Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, College of Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Microscale heat transfer, especially related to electronic and optoelectronic devices; thermoelectric energy conversion; medical applications of heat transfer
Bogdan Popa
Bogdan PopaAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Design, optimization, and dynamics of new generations of engineered materials (metamaterials) that allow improved control over the propagation of acoustic, elastic and electromagnetic waves with applications in biomedical engineering, telecommunications, aero- and underwater acoustics; noise control; smart materials; mechatronics.
Venkat Raman
Venkat RamanProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Aerospace Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Development of computational models for turbulent reacting flows with application to aircraft and scramjet engines, stationary power generation, and synthesis of novel materials. High-performance supercomputers and detailed numerical simulations to study the performance of combustion devices. Recent focus in the areas of numerical error analysis, uncertainty quantification, hypersonic design and optimization, and rotating detonation engines.
Pramod Sangi Reddy
Pramod Sangi ReddyProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Nanoscale charge and energy transport, thermoelectric devices, microscale heat transfer, organic photovoltaics, scanning probe microscopy and optics.
Elliott Rouse
Elliott RouseAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Robotics
[email protected]Research Interests: Precision machine design; development of exoskeletons / robotic prostheses; brushless motors; dynamics of human locomotion; human perception and psychophysics; neural control of movement; biomechanics; human performance augmentation
Kazu Saitou
Kazu SaitouProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Chair for Graduate Education, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Computational design. Manufacturability-driven structural topology optimization. Multi-material, multi-process, multi-component structural topology optimization (M^3 TO). Computational optimal synthesis of structural assemblies. Physics-informed AI for structural and assembly optimization.
Anchal Sareen
Anchal SareenAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Experimental Hydrodynamics with an emphasis on renewable energy harvesting and energy-efficient marine propulsion systems.
Ulrich Scheven
Ulrich SchevenAssociate Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Development and use of quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance techniques to explore and constrain the physics of displacements (1) in full volume non-linear elasticity in soft tissues, tendons, ligaments, polymers, elastomers; (2) in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flow and tracer transport within natural and manufactured porous media.
Bill Schultz
Bill SchultzProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Extensional rheometry, uretral peristalsis
Chenhui Shao
Chenhui ShaoAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Smart manufacturing; machine learning; statistics; big data analytics; in-situ process monitoring and real-time control; materials joining; manufacturing systems control and automation; quality control; robotic additive manufacturing; 3D metrology; cyber-physical infrastructure; human-robot collaboration.
Chengzhi Shi
Chengzhi ShiAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Dr. Shi’s research focuses on physical acoustics, wave propagation, structural acoustics, underwater acoustics, metamaterials, biomedical ultrasound imaging, and therapeutic ultrasound. Particularly, he is interested in understanding the wave physics of vortex acoustic waves and their applications for underwater communications and therapies for different diseases, developing new ultrasound imaging techniques for cellular imaging and medical diagnostics, and creating novel experimental platforms for the studies of condense matter and quantum physics.
Albert Shih
Albert ShihProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Faculty Member, Institute of Gerontology
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Manufacturing; biomedical device design; biomedical manufacturing; computed tomography for inspection; neurovascular devices; precision machining of advanced engineering materials; additive manufacturing; cyber-physical manufacturing systems for assistive technology
Alex Shorter
Alex ShorterAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Design, Fabrication, Control and Evaluation of Human Assist Devices, Gait Analysis, Biomechanics, Instrument Design.
Volker Sick
Volker SickProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
DTE Energy Professor of Advanced Energy Research
Director, Global CO2 Initiative
[email protected]Research Interests: Accelerating deployments of CO2-utilization technologies that will innovate existing infrastructure and manufacturing processes, thereby finding sustainable solutions to help address the climate crisis. Developing and applying optical measurement techniques to diagnose diseases of the human eye.
Jason Siegel
Jason SiegelResearch Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Battery Modeling, Control and State of Health Estimation. Control of Hybrid Electric Powertrains. Control of Solid oxide and low temperature PEM fuel cells.
Kathleen Sienko
Kathleen SienkoProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Sensory augmentation, rehabilitation engineering, biomechanics, medical device design (emphasis on global health contexts and task-shifting devices), design science, engineering design education
Steve Skerlos
Steve SkerlosProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Environmental and sustainable technology systems; life cycle product design optimization; pollution prevention technologies for manufacturing; metalworking fluid formulation and performance; membrane filtration; supercritical fluid delivery of lubricants; biological detection and control in aqueous systems; technology policy analysis.
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Siddhartha SrivastavaAssistant Research Scientist, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]
Anna Stefanopoulou
Anna StefanopoulouProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
William Clay Ford Professor of Technology
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Estimation and control of internal combustion engines and electrochemical processes such as fuel cells and batteries
Jeffrey Stein
Jeffrey SteinProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Systems and control including machine design, control, monitoring, and diagnostics; physical system modeling; automated modeling; bond graph theory; proper modeling of active suspensions; proper vehicle handling and ride models; high efficiency dynamic formulations for vehicle dynamics; monitoring and control of thermally induced spindle bearing loads; design and control of high speed spindles and novel milling machines.
Jing Sun
Jing SunProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Michael G. Parsons Collegiate Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Chair, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Theory, methodologies and tools for control system integration and optimization, with applications to marine and automotive systems; Connected and automated transportation systems; Renewable energy systems.
Sita Syal
Sita SyalAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Energy justice and equity, sustainable energy and mobility systems, human-centered design methods, design needfinding, socially-engaged design, community engagement, optimization, cost modeling, agent-based modeling, uncertainty quantification, multi-attribute decision making, energy policy.
Wenda Tan
Wenda TanAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Our current research efforts have been focused on physics-based modeling for various advanced manufacturing processes. Specifically we are working on computational fluid dynamics and computational materials modeling for additive manufacturing, welding, casting, powder metallurgy, and electrohydrodynamic printing processes.
Jing Tang
Jing TangAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration; Battery; Catalysis; Electrochemistry; Cryochemistry; Thermal Sciences; Natural Wood Cellulose; Atomic Engineering; Materials Synthesis, Manufacturing, and Characterization; Solid-State Chemistry; Biomaterials; Bioelectronics.
Alan Taub
Alan TaubProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: My major research interest is in understanding the inter-relationships between processing, microstructure and properties in materials; with an emphasis on mechanical, electrical and magnetic applications. Present research focus is on lightweight structures for land, sea and air transportation applications. Projects include incremental forming of sheet metal and nano-particle additions to aluminum alloys. For polymer composites, we are studying the effect of carbon nanotube and graphene additions to polymer composites utilizing electrical and magnetic fields to produce oriented particles for improved mechanical properties.
Karen A. Thole
Karen A. TholeRobert J Vlasic Dean of Engineering
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Aerospace Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Convective heat transfer, turbulent boundary layers, high freestream turbulence, gas turbine heat transfer.
Michael Thouless
Michael ThoulessProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Janine Johnson Weins Professor
[email protected]Research Interests: Micromechanics modeling of materials; interfacial fracture mechanics and adhesion; mechanical properties of thin films and coatings; toughening mechanisms in polymers; mechanical properties of structural adhesives.
Dawn Tilbury
Dawn TilburyProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Robotics
Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Herrick Professor of Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Control theory and applications; logic control for manufacturing systems including diagnostics, fault handling, and recovery; modular control systems; networked control systems; performance management of computing systems; web-based tutorials for controls education.
Serife Tol
Serife TolAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Dynamical systems, smart materials, metamaterials, phononic crystals, electromechanical systems, energy harvesting, mechanical vibrations, wave propagation
Aaron Towne
Aaron TowneAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Fluid mechanics, reduced-complexity modeling, data-driven modeling, flow control, aeroacoustics
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Nicolas TriantafyllidisProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering
[email protected]
Jacinto Ulloa
Jacinto UlloaAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Computational mechanics; solid mechanics; micromechanics; metamaterials; disordered/granular media; data-driven computing; variational methods; homogenization; multiscale analysis; generalized continua; inelasticity; material failure; multi-physics systems.
Galip Ulsoy
Galip UlsoyProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
C.D. Mote Jr. Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
William Clay Ford Professor Emeritus of Manufacturing
Deputy Director, NSF Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Machining Systems
[email protected]Research Interests: Modeling, analysis and control of dynamic systems; rotating or translating elastic systems; manufacturing automation; vehicle control.
Michael Umbriac
Michael UmbriacLEO Lecturer IV, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Lecturer for ME250 and ME350 (Design and Manufacturing)
Ramanarayan Vasudevan
Ramanarayan VasudevanAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Robotics
[email protected]Research Interests: Optimization, modeling, design, and control of robotic systems that interact with humans and the environment. My group works on a variety of applications including locomotion of legged robots, prosthetic control, autonomous vehicles, and soft robots.
Christopher Vermillion
Christopher VermillionAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Dr. Vermillion’s interests lie in the application of optimal control and design optimization tools to cutting-edge problems in renewable energy and energy efficiency. He is particularly interested in the development of tethered systems for harnessing wind and marine hydrokinetic energy, the development of persistent mission planning algorithms for renewably powered robotic networks, and the use of connected and autonomous vehicles to realize substantial fuel economy improvements over conventional vehicles.
Hugo Gonzalez Villasanti
Hugo Gonzalez VillasantiAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Control theory and engineering strategies in social systems to empower people and improve their well-being.
Angela Violi
Angela VioliProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Professor, Macromolecular Science and Engineering
Professor, Applied Physics
Professor, Biophysics
Associate Chair for Research
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Multiscale simulations of complex systems, nanoparticle growth and self-assembly, nanoparticle interactions with biomolecular systems, applied chemical kinetics, aerosols. Chemical and physical properties of fuels, alternative fuels, lubricants.
Venkat Viswanathan
Venkat ViswanathanAssociate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Electric aviation, Electric vehicles, Batteries, Scientific machine learning
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Anthony WaasProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Felix Pawlowski Collegiate Professor, Aerospace Engineering
[email protected]
Kon-Well Wang
Kon-Well WangProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
A. Galip Ulsoy Distinguished University Professor of Engineering
Stephen P. Timoshenko Collegiate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Structural dynamics and controls, including the emerging areas of intelligent structural & material systems harnessing origami dynamics, reconfigurable metamaterials/metastructures, and mechano-intelligence, with applications in vibration & noise controls, wave manipulation & steering, vibration energy harvesting, structural health monitoring, and vehicle & robotic system dynamics.
Thomas Wang
Thomas WangProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Internal Medicine
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Biomedical instrument design, imaging systems, micro-optics, bio-microelectromechanical systems (bio-MEMS), miniature sensors, mirrors and actuators
Alan Wineman
Alan WinemanProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus, Macromolecular Science and Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Mechanics of continua including nonlinear elasticity and viscoelasticity of polymers; theory of interacting continua; non-Fickian diffusion in polymers; yield-induced phenomena in polymers; modeling microstructural changes in polymers; studies in electrorheological fluids.
Margaret Wooldridge
Margaret WooldridgeProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Walter J. Weber, Jr. Professor of Sustainable Energy, Environmental and Earth Systems Engineering
[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Sustainable and renewable energy, power and propulsion systems; combustion, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics; pollution mitigation; high-efficiency, low-resource consumption energy systems; reaction kinetics; aerosol formation, transport and impact; optical diagnostics; gas dynamics
Hongyi Xiao
Hongyi XiaoAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Mentoring PlanResearch Interests: Our research group focuses on granular materials consisting of discrete particles that can collectively behave like a solid, a liquid, or a gas. We aim to reveal their related solid and fluid mechanics as well as statistical physics using a combination of 2D and 3D experiments, discrete particle simulations, as well as machine-learning informed modeling. The current focus is to understand how they deform from a structure-property perspective, based on which we design particle interactions and dynamics at the microscopic scale for novel collective behaviors at the material scale. We are also interested in how animals and robots interact with granular matter as a soft and yielding medium.
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Wei-Hsuin YangProfessor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Solid mechanics, applied mathematics, and numerical analysis including plasticity; structural optimization; manufacturing process optimization; structural crash worthiness; optional design of wheels; welding.
Euisik Yoon
Euisik YoonProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Director, NSF International Program for Advancement of Neurotechnology (IPAN)
[email protected]
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John YoungAssociate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering[email protected]Research Interests: Heat power, thermodynamics, experiential learning.
Lei Zuo
Lei ZuoProfessor, Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
[email protected]Research Interests: Marine renewable energy (ocean waves, tidal currents, offshore wind), blue economy, energy harvesting, vibration/dynamics and control, mechatronics design, vehicles and transportation, and advanced manufacturing.